Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [verb] [prep] different " in BNC.

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1 Hincmar had already observed that " because the realm consists of many regions " , court officials should be selected from different regions so that provincials with problems would feel confident of a hearing at the palace .
2 Many retailers also use ACORN to evaluate the product ranges that should be stocked at different stores .
3 It is desirable , as far as is practicable , that the different pilot batches should be made with different lots of raw materials .
4 It may be decided that different restrictions should be applied to different partners , particularly in relation to area restraints .
5 Cover should be cut to different lengths to maximise diversity , beg long grasses by a hedge and short grasses next to the crop .
6 Following a speech by Lord Donaldson , Master of the Rolls , to barristers this month , there have been fears that senior judges involved in drawing up rules would effectively block the use of the new rights in practice , by insisting that preparation of some cases and their presentation in court should be handled by different people .
7 Since these ungulates are primarily exploiters of vegetation , it is natural that the range of feeding strategies should be related to different types of browsing and grazing .
8 Children 's needs change as they grow , so it 's important to know what milk they should be drinking at different stages .
9 Different types of notes should be used for different learning purposes and different subject-matter .
10 Manufacturers publish tables showing the different sizes of guttering which should be used for different sizes of house but , as a rule of thumb , 100mm ( 4in ) or 112mm ( 4½in ) guttering with 68 or 69mm ( 2¾in ) downpipe , which will cope with 110 sq m of effective roof with a central downpipe ( or 55 sq m with an end pipe ) , should be enough for all but the largest houses .
11 In addition , for control purposes , the following are examples of functions which should be performed by different individuals : input control , data conversion/entry , job scheduling , applications design , systems programming and program testing .
12 Whether Primary and Secondary copies must be split between different types of media .
13 The field ‘ Split-type working ’ allows you to specify that Primary and Secondary copies must be stored on different media types .
14 The parameter ‘ Split-type working ’ allows the user to specify that Primary and Secondary copies must be stored on different media types .
15 Notice , however , that although the following exhibit a syntactic parallel with the cases cited above , the semantic relationship is not maintained , so the lexical units must be assigned to different lexemes :
16 You must be looking at different patients
17 To me , northwest Africa is part of Europe and either the division is farther south or , if they must be sailing on different plates , then those plates were very close together long before the Alpine convulsions .
18 Given that they have ruled out of court the concept of demand deficient unemployment , the new classical writers have left themselves with no alternative explanation : if markets are clearing , they must be clearing at different measured unemployment rates .
19 Leapor 's response to the discomforts of agricultural labourers must be approached at different levels .
20 Different interpretations might be applied to different organizations , but the basic information needs are the same .
21 If not , consider how it might be adjusted to different categories of student while preserving its efficacy as a means of encouraging orientation within a discourse .
22 This is a basic assumption for the child to recognise that a single word might be realised in different forms , depending on its grammatical function .
23 This implies that questions relating to skills and understanding of the same concept might be placed at different levels of a scheme .
24 They are given as an indication of what can happen and a suggestion of some of the ways in which similar ideas might be explored by different children in different circumstances .
25 It was immediately hypothesized that the relative degrees of focusing and diffuseness might be related to different degrees of social stability in the communities .
26 The Court did not however read section 14(3) as restricting what might be done by different courts on different occasions .
27 Footprints might be made in different directions ; ‘ sideways ’ , ‘ forwards ’ , ‘ backwards ’ .
28 The major drawback with the Byrne approach , however , is that it provides only an incidental guide to the way in which the services might be allocated between different types of local authority .
29 We might propose , for example , that the participant roles in our case might be marked by different suffixes : let us say o for the agent role , om for the patient .
30 Isolation , rejection , dishonour and disrespect might be expected at different times .
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