Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] have [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They may be parents or they may only have letters after their name , but what they have in common is this : they know that intellectual perfection and the criteria for measuring it are chimeras .
2 So individuals may only have rights against their government in the strong sense of being immune to the countervailing claims of general utility if those rights may be derived from that overriding principle of equal concern and respect .
3 Action : Modules of type FOREIGN must not have headers with versions earlier than 2.2 .
4 If they are not prepared to accept them jointly , they should not have children at all .
5 Other companies in sectors such as oil and communications must also have way-leaves for work they want to carry out on private land .
6 They should also have details of the objectives set for them plus a specification of what the company sees as an ideal candidate .
7 He should also have words with his colleague , Councillor John Ryan , who needs to improve the quality of his submissions to my Department for funding from central Government .
8 Berenice 's blood-pressure is far too high and the doctors are insistent she must n't have worries of any kind if she 's to go to full term . ’
9 You must n't have dogs down the council .
10 ‘ Is there some reason why we should n't have minds of our own ? ’ she demanded sharply .
11 And that they should n't have names at all , but simply be numbered from one to sixty .
12 v Should either have facilities for , or capacity to use , video , slide projection , exhibition space .
13 They may not , they may not have carpets on the floor , but they 've all got videos .
14 The thesis may thus have elements of several different sub-disciplines within it , and its categorisation may again be arbitrary .
15 Eventually we 'll all have locks on windows
16 ‘ If I 'd known my score was 4998 not 496 I might not have runs at all . ’
17 Erm , you will want , you 'll already have commitments for next year , where do you put those commitments .
18 ‘ I 'll always have memories of her , of course , but she 's in the past now .
19 ‘ There are some great titles out there , ’ he said , exclusively to ZZAP ! , ‘ … and many will swap them because they 've completed them , so we 'll always have loads of great games . ’
20 Society might also have views on two other aspects on monopoly performance : the amount of political power that large companies are in a position to exert , and the distributional issue of fairness in relation to the large supernormal profits that a monopolist can earn .
21 Such employees might well have claims for compensation against the UK government for defective implementation of the Directive , if they can show that , had the restriction not been included in the Regulations , their claim would have succeeded .
22 An eminent nonconformist might well have reservations about a now Anglo-Catholic son seeking holy orders in the Church of England .
23 A and B might well have features in common from the outset ( the c elements in the figure ) and these will produce primary generalization — training on A will give associative strength to stimulus elements that are present also in B. The X representation functions in just the same way as the c elements in producing generalization except for the fact that the ability of A and B to activate X is based on prior conditioning .
24 Of course there are lots of questions which would have to be sorted out — the difference is the Scottish Education system , & the courses offered , for a start — & you might well have doubts about cutting yourself off from your friends & so forth .
25 A jelly might sometimes have lumps of fruit in it , just as space can have lumps of matter in it — the Earth , the Sun , the Moon .
26 For instance , any such book might meaningfully have sections on ‘ Principles ’ and ‘ Systems ’ and the ‘ Principles ’ section might be decomposed into subsections on ‘ Computer Principles ’ and on ‘ Human Principles ’ .
27 And if you move to a new house , remember that other people may still have keys to the premises — fit new locks , and use them !
28 They may still have fantasies of such a reunion after one or both have remarried .
29 His architecture may still have lessons for us .
30 ‘ But we could still have chaps like you taking messages back and forth , bringing tea , that sort of thing .
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