Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] help [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So , having assessed the relative importance of the place and the house in which you would like to live , tables such as these should also help to assess the particular locations and houses which seem attractive , and you can then score the extent to which they fulfil your requirements .
2 Although higher taxes will dampen consumer spending , they should also help to reduce the long-term interest rates which matter most for business investment and home buying .
3 It should also help to get the management commitment behind the project and this will significantly increase the likelihood of its success .
4 A brief analysis of the ways in which the endeavours of the two main characters and their families are handled should therefore help to answer the question .
5 Workouts featured by stars like Hollywood tough guy Dolph Lundgren and TVam 's Lizzie Webb may not help fight the flab and could land you in bed for weeks , says BBC TV 's Watchdog .
6 ‘ Another 400 or 500 letters to Mr Howard might just help to remind the Government it is n't just the Labour controlled council they are hitting but the people of Langbaurgh , ’ she said .
7 More careful examination and recording might also help to define the incidence of child abuse .
8 It might also help to give the switchboard an alternative ( Tim or Simon ? ) number to try if your line is engaged .
9 As a statistical association was found between having three or more children at home and the early loss factor , this might also help to explain the lower rate of early loss among treated patients when compared with cases identified in the community .
10 It might also help to make a note of your doctor 's answers as a reminder of what is said , for example about any medicines you should take .
11 It might also help to make a note of your doctor 's answers as a reminder of what is said , for example about any medicines you should take .
12 The introduction of a computerised system of serial control would , however , solve this problem and might also help to overcome the second problem by automatically alerting staff to inordinate delays in the receipt of particular serial parts .
13 As the Minister who represents the area containing Wandsworth prison , may I suggest to the Minister that if the exchanges of the past few minutes were conveyed to BBC television 's ’ Yes Minister ’ they might indeed help to revive the Government 's fortunes ?
14 Th they 'll certainly help to take the , the irritation
15 This is referred to as the principle of actualism by Douglas ( 1980 ) citing Russian geologists Gorshkov and Yakushova and , whereas it is rejected by Douglas and also by Ollier ( 1979,1981 ) , it is possible to believe that although the past development of an area may not be explicable in terms of the processes at present operating in that area , nevertheless study of present processes may collectively help to illuminate the past .
16 Every time you took a breath of that foul air you could not help imagining the cholera poison gnawing at your lungs .
17 And now the train was taking me to Aunt Louise through the quiet countryside , and in spite of my preoccupation I could not help enjoying the journey .
18 Leaves were falling but the sun shone , and I could not help enjoying the ride , so stately in the funeral limousine .
19 He could not help touching the pupils ; extensive re-training was required .
20 Mr Wolski could not help remembering a time when he had been a fugitive outside the fences of Sobibor in the scrubland of the Parczew Forest .
21 And besides the coincidence of his getting a new handler , without explanation , right after the disaster , Coleman could not help remembering the schoolboy password routine he had been given on joining the DIA .
22 These planks he marked A , B , C , etc. , and all the man had to do was to sight along them in the proper order and he could not help getting the line right .
23 Because the dogs belonged to Fen , Robbie could not help taking a deeper interest than usual in their welfare .
24 BELVILLE : [ aside ] The bewitching girl every day rose in her charms upon me and I could not help entertaining a jealousy that she was writing to somebody who stood well in her opinion , and my feelings for her made it a sweetheart , of course .
25 Tolkien could not help seeing a part of himself in Fëanor and Saruman , sharing their perhaps licit , perhaps illicit desire to ‘ sub-create ’ .
26 After one visit to a juvenile court where some gang members had been committed to Approved School after ‘ carrying out depredations against shopkeepers over quite a wide area ’ , Dr Bryan ‘ could not help feeling a little depressed at the thought of so much high spirit , imagination , ingenuity and daring shut up behind high walls ’ .
27 He could not help feeling a grudging admiration for the old lady .
28 Watching his total absorption in the service and the way in which he hung upon the holy words , Owen could not help feeling a moment of doubt .
29 Caught at such a weak moment , the client could not help feeling the situation was urgent , and was often more susceptible to persuasion .
30 When the waiter came to take our orders , I could not help noticing the massive sexual equipment outlined by his soft cotton pants .
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