Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] be say [prep] " in BNC.

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91 The same can not be said of ozone , if used indiscriminately .
92 The same can not be said of the ruck/maul proposal .
93 Some commentators have pointed out that , as can not be said of the Cadbury Committee 's report on the financial aspects of corporate governance , much legislation would be needed to implement the Green Paper 's proposals .
94 If Marx 's humanitarianism contains a certain ambiguity , the same can not be said of Lenin .
95 At 29 he 's got everything , which can not be said of the other international contenders .
96 Unfortunately , this can not be said of the licence fee .
97 Unfortunately , while his powers of mental control are impressive , this can not be said of his ability to control his physical body .
98 The same can not be said of Finance Minister Vaclav Klaus , the monetarist architect of the reform .
99 It can not be said of Barth that he did not know of evolution !
100 In so far as it is the case that , in the classical doctrine of the trinity , it is said that the three persons are alike in all save their mutual relations , when we are speaking of Christ as God , as the second person of the trinity , it can not be said of Christ that he is ‘ male ’ .
101 The same can not be said of the ceremonial and ritual laws which occupy much of Leviticus and other parts of the Pentateuch .
102 He does indeed regard the latter case as a splitting of the name " Balak , king of Moab " across two lines ( he calls it " binomination " ) , but that can not be said of the former case .
103 My conception is related , also , in that both conceptions derive in a direct way from our pre-theoretical , first-person grasp of consciousness , as can not be said of any of behaviourism , causalism , or functionalism , nor really of the logico-linguistic criterion , derived though it is from Brentano .
104 The same can not be said of the keyboard itself which uses really nasty little keytops and has stick-on legends but at least they have been stuck on for you this time .
105 This can not be said of the ‘ Nutter ’ , whose conduct is the exception which proves the rules .
106 Undoubtedly , vaginal penetration with a penis may lead to pregnancy which can not be said of the other forms of sexual assault at issue .
107 Unfortunately , the same can not be said of British primary legislation , where ascertaining the date of commencement can be a substantial problem .
108 The same can not be said of some other British universities , whose students are sometimes obliged to travel considerable distances to observe the raw materials to which their research relates .
109 The same can not be said of some other British universities , whose students are obliged to travel considerable distances to observe the raw materials to which their research relates .
110 This can not be said of the relational algebra and it is more ‘ user friendly ’ than a straight relational calculus language such as QUEL or SCL .
111 Which can not be said of Volcano Theatre 's gritty down-to-earth production of Steve Berkoff 's From My Point of View .
112 And by doing so , The Accused rejects the assumptions of the other films , saying in effect that if this can not be said of this woman then it can never be said of any women in any situation .
113 In the case of the substantive apple , it is obvious that the lexeme evoked by this word can only be applied to objects of our experience which are by nature apples : it can not be said of a pen or an eraser .
114 Fuck that , we were the only team not to choke when it came to the crunch , the same can not be said of the scum .
115 The same can not be said of a generalised advance disclosure .
116 This can not be said of Lagerfeld 's Chloe collection for next autumn .
117 Unfortunately the same can not be said of the decision to persevere with the existing range of street furniture .
118 The Salvationists associated together ‘ for a purpose which can not be said to be otherwise than lawful and laudable , or at all events can not be called unlawful ’ .
119 Skill in letter-writing is by no means evenly distributed among the population and letter-writers can not be said to be representative of the general population .
120 That is , what must be done in certain circumstances can not be said to be good without qualification and might involve evil and suffering .
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