Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] be [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 If such a problem does arise there is naturally a heavy onus on the company to rectify the adverse conditions , and dismissal for sickness absence should only be a last resort .
2 This , however , should only be a last resort .
3 ‘ I realise you can not afford to run all the time but , that said , it should still be the first thing you have a look at , ’ he reasoned .
4 But Lightbody must surely be the first not to get a senior trial in his year as Irish singles champion .
5 During that time it has had numerous facelifts , and in what must surely be the last of its nine lives , the Big Cat has had another .
6 Attention to diet should therefore be a first consideration in any treatment plan to clear out toxic accumulations and correct any vitamin , mineral , trace element or fibre deficiencies .
7 A house that is furnished with good quality used furniture is generally much more interesting and more tastefully decorated than when twice the money is spent on new furniture that may not be a tenth of the quality .
8 Silvikrin may not be the first to introduce a two-in-one shampoo and conditioner , but they have certainly made it worth the wait .
9 Tandem may not be the first commercial box-shifter out with a Chorus-based system , though it may yet find itself in a race to be first to deliver in volume .
10 It may not be the first thing at the top of our minds when we 're , when we 're checking the thing but I think it ought to be checked for that .
11 The memorandum is useful but it may not be the last word .
12 Er we have n't had to see anybody about that and he sent us a letter saying that he 'd like to see us and we went and he says it there might not be a second inquest .
13 It might not be the first occurrence , she realised .
14 It is perfectly clear that , while the defence of this country is the first priority of the present Government , it might not be the first priority of the Opposition if they were to make the defence cuts to which they have committed themselves .
15 With Mola still pushing towards the city on its northern flank , Franco realized that he might not be the first Nationalist general to enter Madrid .
16 ‘ There 's only one conclusion we can reach , Master Coroner — Sir Ralph might not be the first person to die in the Tower before Yuletide comes . ’
17 So I do n't think there will be a big national impact , it 'll just be the last few people coming in at the tail end .
18 ‘ It 'll not be the first man I 've seen after he 's tried to fill up a car with a lighted cigarette in his mouth — nor the last .
19 Insensitive handling of cash-flow by Accounts might just be the last straw to turn a key person away from you when you need him or her the most .
20 It 'll probably be the last wind I shall ever feel .
21 Two men in army clothes — possibly my two — could be seen about the camp from time to time , and Balfour thought that there might also be a third .
22 It might even be the last time she stood there .
23 ‘ Thanks , Henry , ’ he would say , in a tone that indicated this might well be the last drink he would be accepting from his friend , ‘ thanks ! ’
24 Partnership structures — in industry , education , physical and community development of all sorts — may possibly be the last chance to catch up before it is too late .
25 They said the cabinet 's resignation could only be a first step in an attempt to regain credibility .
26 There was another small silence which Clarissa found she could not be the first to break .
27 You 'd not be the first young widow to do such a thing , ’
28 By rights , Razorblade Smile could easily be the Next Big Thing .
29 A final significance here is that Klementiev 's silver medal could possibly be the last ever to be won by the USSR .
30 You 'd probably be the first person to respond if someone wrote in and said ‘ everybody with short hair and who conforms should be banned from gigs ’ which is basically what you wrote , only vice versa .
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