Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [adv] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 But it may all not have been necessary .
2 But her appointment should not just have been a token .
3 At the very genesis of all feeling and awareness one thought held sway which should not really have been there at all : that to be grown-up , to be a man , meant losing a great part of me .
4 The sensitive area of defence should more realistically have been one of the last spheres for the renunciation of national sovereignty , with a solid background of integrative experience and mutual trust behind it .
5 ‘ I was climbing up through this favela ; I should n't even have been there .
6 And I think it should n't even have been a question for the Celtic connection to be there .
7 Parish council clerk at Gainford Margaret Brown said : ‘ They should n't strictly have been on the bridge but a lot of people do walk on it and climb over the small barricade at each end .
8 We had another one I really liked who should n't really have been passed by the Ministry man because his horns were too long .
9 We should n't really have been , you never heard us talking to you .
10 The motives of Fellows must quite clearly have been control of the length for a wider purpose .
11 Wherever the feather came from , it must almost certainly have been put in his room by someone who knew of his visit to the lake .
12 Krankoor must almost certainly have been another such .
13 The zoologist J. Cloudsley-Thompson concludes that dinosaurs ‘ must almost certainly have been homeothermic . ’
14 Better-heeled artificers must almost certainly have been master craftsmen employing labour themselves .
15 ( Stone 1988 : 79 ) ( implies that such a question should never even have been asked , i.e. it was practically inconceivable for Socrates that one of his disciples should ask it )
16 Computer or no computer , I should certainly not have been able to handle the mathematics myself but John Cook likes that sort of thing and using the Mercury computer at Farnborough he was able to map the stresses very close to the tip of a crack which had a finite tip radius .
17 The birds and squirrels in my garden come for food as soon as they hear my whistle , even though the food may not yet have been put out for them .
18 Nevertheless , I think that the influence of Matisse is something which is far more elusive and may not yet have been expressed in painting .
19 Thus it is assumed that the attitude-holder might possess certain beliefs , whose content implicitly can be taken as a criticism of counter-stances , but these stances may not yet have been historically realized in argument .
20 It is vital that ways are found for archivists to have some input into provisional appraisal of records which may not yet have been created .
21 The ‘ I ’ describing conversations he has n't direct access to , which he was n't present at , which he may not even have been told about and so may be inventing , is the ‘ character ’ Dostoevsky has turned himself into for the purpose of narrating the provincial chronicle .
22 She praises the risk takers , wealth creators , people who are frequently from modest backgrounds and who may not even have been at a university .
23 In the candlelight it may not even have been observed .
24 O.K.W. subsequently claimed that German fighters had shot down seven Hurricanes without loss , yet strangely only three claims can be found for 7/JG 26 , one of which may not even have been confirmed .
25 ‘ His phone calls to you may not even have been made from Geneva . ’
26 The authorities ' heavy-handed intervention showed just how sensitive they were to the question of the empire 's internal diversity , for the Brotherhood 's goals were in fact much less radical than St Petersburg supposed and Shevchenko and Kulish may not even have been members .
27 The absence of tools , particularly from graves , may actually point more to the decisions which lie behind the choice of grave-goods to be interred with the dead ; tools have a very high use-value and may not therefore have been disposed of in this manner .
28 Although children become familiar with the terms used in the story and call out when they are listening to it , the ideas involved may not necessarily have been understood .
29 A symbol which is a male symbol appears in our culture to represent maleness , in a way in which earlier this may not necessarily have been the case .
30 The ideas may not always have been understood , or properly applied .
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