Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 And the depth of his ideological commitment to maintaining Israel 's hold over the West Bank rules out any acceptance of the principle that negotiations should eventually lead to an exchange of land for peace .
2 This should obviously lead to an improvement in the situation but regardless of the size of the corpus there will always be some transitions that are not found .
3 Preparation of sales benefits should not result in an inflexible sales approach .
4 Held , allowing the appeal , that although there was a strong presumption against interpreting a statute as taking away the right of silence of an accused person it was the plain intention of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 that the powers of the Director of the Serious Fraud Office should not come to an end when the person under investigation had been charged ; and that , accordingly , she was entitled to compel the applicant to answer questions on pain of commission of a criminal offence under section 2(13) of the Act of 1987 if he did not do so and no caution was appropriate ( post , pp. 68F–H , 81C–F , 83E , 86H ) .
5 In the last sentence erm my view is that we should not wait for an application to build on this site .
6 There was no reason why the ordinary law of contract should not apply to an agreement under s 54 as to any other agreement .
7 The decision not to proceed with the plant follows a court ruling that the plans contravened an EC directive and that construction should not proceed without an environmental impact assessment .
8 This breaks one of the basic tenets of configuration management ; that once an object is identified , then the identifier must always refer to an identical object .
9 After a gesture your hands and arms should always return to an ‘ at rest ’ position .
10 Overseas candidates can apply for these scholarships but must also apply for an ORS award .
11 He must also come to an agreement with the customer with regard to performance characteristics , key schedule dates , costs , and funding .
12 His or her work must inevitably lie in an area where public anger , resentment and guilt are rife .
13 That he should now figure as an addition to the Modern Masters series is yet another irony of Derrida 's ascent to intellectual stardom .
14 ‘ A young chap like that should n't play on an older woman 's susceptibilities . ’
15 There is no reason why the system should n't work with an IBM PC , as long as you have a SCSI card , a 24-bit colour card and monitor , an external removable 44Mb disk drive and appropriate software , such as Aldus Photostyler .
16 White should either flow in an unbroken line from the shoulder to the ground or be superbly cut and tailored .
17 You should never go into an interview without a very clear idea of the person you think would suit the post ideally .
18 You should never sail in an offshore wind , particularly not alone .
19 The tenant 's adviser should therefore press for an obligation on the landlord to notify the tenant of any application made by him to the President .
20 Monotype said yesterday it had received an approach ‘ which may or may not lead to an offer ’ from Mirror Group Newspapers .
21 Bad driving may or may not lead to an accident , depending on the chance conjunction of other factors and other people 's behaviour .
22 There is no requirement to name the potential offeror , and the announcement may simply be that the talks may or may not lead to an offer being made .
23 ( c ) following an approach to the board of the target company , which may or may not lead to an offer , the primary responsibility lies with the board of the target , which must accordingly keep a close watch on its share price .
24 Readers should note that a warning announcement ( which may be an announcement that the target is having talks which may or may not lead to an offer ) or a temporary suspension of listing ( pending clarification of the position ) may be required .
25 Induced trade deficits caused by such structural change may not result in an appropriate exchange rate adjustment .
26 And while this may not apply in an ‘ equal opportunity ’ marriage , where the domestic jobs are shared equally between husband and wife , in a majority of households women still do the lion 's share of the cooking and cleaning .
27 Candidates may not remove from an examination any answer books or material provided for the examination , other than the question paper unless it is specified that it may not be removed .
28 They see the landscape as being formed by ‘ dreamings ’ , which came into the material world at so-called ‘ waterholes ’ , which may or may not correspond to an actual waterhole .
29 ONE of the most important food crops in developing countries , the sweet potato , may soon come in an insect-resistant variety — and at a reasonable cost .
30 The Court of Appeal was restricted by Criminal Appeal Act 1968 , s.11(3) which provided that the Court might not deal with an offender on appeal in a manner which resulted in him being dealt with more severely on appeal than by the court below .
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