Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The French national policy of encouraging younger people into farming may slowly lead to changing attitudes as older , more traditional ways fade .
2 Its heart beat may speed up or become weak , its breathing heavy and laboured , and it may eventually go into convulsions or start bleeding .
3 Those unable to get to Salzburg — where an estimated 300,000 Japanese will be bound this year — may eventually listen to Mr Saegusa 's mélange in the Wave , a glossy modern building in the fashionable Roppongi district of Tokyo .
4 If the unfallen state is being pushed further and further out of sight , it may eventually vanish into unreality .
5 If au else fails , a sector which is being undermined by imports may successfully apply for exemption from restrictions on the formation of a cartel to enable the decline of the sector to proceed in an orderly manner .
6 He may presumably take into account his previous experience of the particular applicants , if they have organised marches in the past .
7 There is a notion that philosophy ought only to deal with matters which are absolutely universal .
8 We 've heard the voice of the Party professionals , we 've heard the voice of the Labour leadership , now let's all speak on behalf of the ordinary trade unionists and say with all the force that is necessary on behalf of those millions , men and women , young and old , we support the Party , we pay for the Party , we have a right to democracy in the Party because never forget it is our Party too , I move .
9 cor this is a bit ugh ah let's all clap for Neil , er , er what 's he gon na do go off and have a boxing match ?
10 Since they may only return to earth by replacing one of their number with a living child , mothers warn their off-spring never to follow the lights .
11 Very often the vagina and part of the uterus can be separated into two parts by a fibrous partition and this may only come to light after difficulty when intercourse first takes place , or sometimes at the onset of pregnancy .
12 Platt was left out of Juventus 's opening match last Sunday and has been told he may only play in Juventus ' home game .
13 This may only cease on withdrawal of the drug .
14 Corporate members may only participate in elections of that branch to which they are attached .
15 ‘ And that you may better call to God for Repentance , and find Mercy , and do good Works , the Officer of Eskdale-Side shall blow his Horn Out on you , Out on you , for the heinous crime of you . ’
16 They felt that their students are in the caring field and ‘ ought naturally to empathise with students with severe learning difficulties ’ .
17 The last word on the relationship between his literary mode and that of realism may perhaps go to Professor Frank Kermode , who wrote :
18 ( 3 ) On the other hand , if the buyer says nothing about his future intentions this may merely serve to fuel rumours that a full bid is to be expected .
19 Right , it 's clear i n't it under four rule twenty eight , four , it 's not essential for the disallowance of any cost or interest that er the taxing officer should be satisfied that erm the other party has been prejudiced , in fact that is not a condition precedent to the exercise of his part and disallow interest in this here item , er any prejudice there maybe is merely one factor to be taken into account in other matters and it does seem to me that the fact the court can , can properly and should properly take into account , is , is that erm , it is desirable that to litigation should erm comply with there obligations , either expressly , express or explicit under the rules of the court to comply with matter such as it should have orders part drawn up and served as appropriate , as I say it seems to me that er the plaintiffs 's can be criticized in not erm having perfected the order of Mr Justice er before they did so but er , I have , it seems to me to look at all the relevant pictures in the case , er if it were the case that the plaintiff suffered any prejudice as the result of that claim , clearly that would be a matter which I would have to take into account , but I 'm bound to say it does n't seem to me that the fender of the plaintiffs to perfect the order did in fact cause any prejudice to the plaintiff and indeed if they , the plaintiffs had perfected the order , it seems to me exactly the same course of events as in fact transpired in this case , would actually have occurred and would n't make any difference at all , so unless it 's a matter of simply of er seeking to punish the plaintiff as a matter of discipline , it seems to me there is a , not really anything in the point that the order was not perfected er when it seems to me it should of been , and I , there stood to see the other er circumstances , now it 's quite clear to me having been referred to correspondence , passing between the solicitors that erm although really from a very early stage er the plaintiffs solicitors referring to Mr a letter of early nineteen ninety one indicating that erm the view was being taken that the likelihood was that erm the plaintiffs would have to get their costs out of the defendants share and interest in the premises and er that would be a matter which could only be dealt with when the enquiries director by Mr Justice had been dealt with .
20 Hollier is an extreme case , but its lesson for the drafter is that if a clause is intended to exclude liability for negligence , it should expressly refer to negligence .
21 Committed to Pray Having learned more about the missionaries and their work we as a fellowship should better informed in order to pray for real people and real situations .
22 The painting is estimated at a mere FFr50–80 million , not because of the recession so much as the fact it must obviously stay in France .
23 Finally , in considering Reagan 's personal contribution to the triumphs of his first term , we must obviously take into account the consequences of his appearances on television .
24 Generally , then , we should perhaps think of settlements being 1–2 kilometres ( ½-1 mile ) apart as the norm .
25 I should perhaps apologize on behalf of the hotel for the temperature in the room this morning er I stayed here last night and woke up to find that not only was there no heat in the radiators , but there was no heat in the hot water .
26 I should perhaps add for completeness sake that it was urged upon your Lordships that there was always a possibility of a leak to the prosecuting authorities of incriminating information disclosed by the defendants as a result of complying with the order and use being made , innocently , by the prosecution of such information , which , ex hypothesi , they had not themselves acquired .
27 For this reason , in drafting a lease the draftsman should constantly have in mind the nature of the demised property .
28 It is unfortunate that papers presented a couple of months before our entry to the Communities should only appear in print some eighteen months after Community law began to have effect in the UR .
29 My family think I should only eat at meal times , and only in small quantities , but I need more than that — my stomach rumbles all the time between meals .
30 It has been suggested that ‘ incipient ’ is an unfamiliar word , that associating the stall with a spin might get the student worried , and that to simplify things we should only talk about stalls and spins .
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