Example sentences of "[be] taken to [be] the " in BNC.

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1 An extension through this surface may be taken to be the familiar two parts of the exterior Schwarzschild space-time .
2 Where committed facilities are in existence at the balance sheet date which permit the refinancing of debt for a period beyond its maturity , the earliest date at which the lender has the right to demand repayment should be taken to be the maturity date of the longest refinancing permitted by a facility in respect of which all the following conditions are met :
3 The starting point for investigation may be taken to be the eighteenth-century revolutionary movements which gave impetus to beliefs that social progress was possible and that social organization could be reconstructed in accordance with rational principles .
4 If the number of children varies , then the branching ratio n can be taken to be the number which makes this sum give the right answer .
5 The value when repaired for these purposes should always be taken to be the insured value .
6 This is because the apparent uptake at one hour can not be taken to be the true uptake in view of the high level at time 0 , which must represent adherence to the cell wall ( Fig 4 ) .
7 This ability is independent of idiosyncratic beliefs , feelings and usages ( although it may refer to those shared by participants ) , and is based for the most part on quite regular and relatively abstract principles Pragmatics can be taken to be the description of this ability , as it operates both for particular languages and language in general .
8 Her Majesty 's Inspectors in their report on the teaching of English published in 1987 were particularly concerned by the low standard of teaching for A level English : ‘ Teachers spend too much time scrutinizing past papers and then drilling students in what are taken to be the ‘ correct ’ answers .
9 Vertical loyalties within groups are taken to be the common base for the preservation of conformity as each individual knows their place and takes on a role consistent with that place .
10 It is a commentary upon the action on that occasion , dealing with the problem of how it should be interpreted , speculating on the motives , intentions and characters of those involved , and generally offering some kind of criticism and justification of whatever are taken to be the goings-on .
11 The main environmental factors were taken to be the effect of market forces on such things as staff recruitment , purchase of materials , and course demand , etc , constrained by the long-term contractual obligations to existing teaching and non-teaching staff .
12 Three fans were placed in this category on the basis of lengthy observation and in accord with what were taken to be the appropriate criteria for judging such people .
13 Organisations ' insured costs were taken to be the cost of insurance premiums covering the period of study .
14 Although in actual practice the Formalists tended to concentrate on the formal qualities of literature , this was because formal devices were taken to be the means whereby defamiliarization was realized .
15 There can be little doubt that this explanation of internal organization is an explanation of those authoritative aspects of management in real-world firms that , earlier in this chapter , were taken to be the sine qua non of Coase 's ( 1937 ) definition of a firm . [ … ]
16 It is taken to be the ultimate proof of conjugal loyalty .
17 This was initially obtained using the inverse scattering technique in which the initial ‘ seed ’ solution is taken to be the Kasner or Stoyanov solution given by ( 10.20 ) or ( 10.29 ) .
18 For this exercise , the procedure being examined is that carried out within a section , and the procedure owner is taken to be the person who could authorise changes at this level ( eg by the introduction of pro-formats for day-to-day recording of mileage etc ) , in this case the head of each section .
19 In most of the authoritative cases the direction is taken to be the steering and the movement is taken to be the acceleration and braking .
20 In most of the authoritative cases the direction is taken to be the steering and the movement is taken to be the acceleration and braking .
21 If the word exists in the dictionary it is taken to be the answer .
22 The length of coverage is taken to be the number of days that a case is mentioned during the search stage .
23 The onset of Stage 2 sleep is taken to be the first sleep spindle or K complex .
24 For example , even if the essence of democracy is taken to be the process of choosing between elites competing to govern , the very business of choosing can hardly be confined to the visit to the polling booth .
25 The thought that the world might have been different in a certain respect is taken to be the thought that there is a possible world which does differ from the actual world in that respect ( and probably others too ) .
26 The quintessential form of the latter type is taken to be the blues .
27 Rather , because the public interest is taken to be the root of corporate legitimacy , compliance with whatever ‘ social responsibility ’ demands is seen as a pre-requisite , a defining condition , for the possession of power .
28 Then , if the 3-axis is taken to be the axis of the bar where L is the applied load and A is the cross-sectional area .
29 If g is taken to be the local gravitational acceleration then we can see that the metric connections correspond to the components of the gravitational acceleration .
30 In the case of narrative syntax this basic unit is taken to be the clause which is in turn composed of a subject and a predicate .
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