Example sentences of "[be] often [vb pp] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 This is not only because quotation contributes to an appropriate " literary critical " register ( for this dubious reason , quotations are often believed to be " compulsory in essays " ) ; it is also because your essays are largely about language ( both the language of the literary texts you are analysing and also the language of critical works about them ) , so quotation is the main way of presenting essential data .
2 For this reason they are often seen to be weak ; yet it is this very willingness of the subordinates to shift their own goals in order to preserve the harmony of the team that makes it possible for the group at the top of the hierarchy to perform at all .
3 I know that such experiences are often said to be the result of the individuals concerned having read a book or article or seen a film or television programme about the particular place and then having forgotten that they have done so .
4 Er and similarly the syntax of languages are often said to be oppressive of women , a lot of the way that language is structured and a lot of the words that you get in a language , that 's another thing that 's said .
5 There 's something about a pot that fires the imagination : normally they are on a human manageable scale , are often made to be handled , and have attractive and eye-catching decoration .
6 That is , short-term memories are often required to be forgotten .
7 Extra beds in studios and apartments are often required to be moved between units according to occupancy levels .
8 The large mammals , especially the leopard and the tiger , are strongly reminiscent of the Woodchester Orpheus mosaic ( in drawings the latter are often suggested to be finer but they are of comparable quality to those of the Barton mosaic ) .
9 Complementary therapies , such as vitamin supplements , meditation etc. and other natural therapies are often found to be helpful .
10 They have generally been found by the chance of fieldwork and aerial reconnaissance and many are awaiting discovery ; when they are studied in detail they are often found to be much larger than thought at first , covering areas , in some cases , of over 100 acres .
11 Such terms are often found to be more-or-less transferable from one problem to another , and so have some claim to significance beyond the level of the particular problem in which they were derived .
12 The particular vibrations excited are often found to be closely associated with the electronic transition within whose band the exciting radiation falls , and this can sometimes be useful in assigning electronic transitions .
13 He is an omnivorous poet , quite as comfortable in the world of technology as in that of animals , plants and other country matters , which are often thought to be the more proper subjects of poetry .
14 In general , Beccaria 's philosophy exhibits what could be regarded as a curious combination of concern with the rights of the individual under the social contract on the one hand , and utilitarian reductivism on the other — curious because rights theory and utilitarianism are often thought to be philosophically incompatible .
15 Eyes : Rolling eyes that show the whites are often thought to be a sign of viciousness — in fact , they are an indication of wariness and suspicion , which is only occasionally accompanied by aggression .
16 Families whose incomes are not more than 40 per cent above the sb level are often considered to be ‘ living on the margins of poverty ’ ; in 1985 , seven in ten of all one parent families had incomes below this level compared with two out of ten two parent families .
17 Indeed , they are often considered to be so routine that they are taken to be ‘ normal ’ .
18 Congenital abnormalities are often considered to be defects that cause disability without the hope of a complete recovery .
19 History books are often considered to be out of date on the day of publication !
20 Items such as happily , out and sometimes are often considered to be members of this class .
21 Arithmetical skills are often considered to be ‘ basic skills ’ , and the implication is drawn that such skills are relevant to everyday life .
22 The fact that researchers in the psychology of driving have not stressed the potential effects of such arousal is particularly surprising given that feelings of risk are often considered to be one of the most important variables in the control of normal driving .
23 Nationalism and dealings with governments are often considered to be the major problems facing a firm trying to sell overseas .
24 This is shown by prices in the " grey market " which are often reported to be so low as to negate all of the gross fees , thus absorbing all of the underwriters ' risk premium .
25 Base rate can be often seen to be outside this guideline , due mainly to expectations in future movements in interest rates ( see later in chapter ) .
26 The nineteenth century brought a new kind of search for the basis and foundation of theology itself ; a fresh attempt to bring human awareness and experience into the centre of theological study ; the forging of more specialised techniques for the literary and historical study of the Bible , techniques whose application helped to raise what were often felt to be disturbing and challenging questions about its meaning and relevance as well as about the standing and authority of established Christian doctrines ; and the sharp new question whether Christian theology itself ought not to be subsumed under some more general study of religion and religions .
27 If anything , it was rather suspicious that the first assay should produce an answer so apt ; the prognostics of bishops were often known to be ambiguous in the extreme .
28 But when it comes to ensuring that public bodies act reasonably and within their powers , it is often felt to be much less clear how the law ought to be enforced .
29 They were never importunate , never servile ; they never tried to lure Europeans into the kind of patron-client relationship which is often assumed to be vital to the functioning of the colonial psyche but which many Englishmen in fact found more annoying than gratifying .
30 The proper field of women psychologists is often assumed to be far from the heights of psychological theory .
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