Example sentences of "[be] often [vb pp] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Pike are often suspected as responsible .
2 Benjamin Libet of the University of California at San Francisco has been responsible for two sets of experiments which are often cited as crucial evidence in the debate about the relationship between brain and mind .
3 In many instances , the choices are not of their own making , but the product of the world system , and are often perceived as contrary to the national interest .
4 In the event , I interviewed someone else , but the incident is an indication of the fact that a science degree and artistic interests are often perceived as incompatible .
5 It follows then that the ‘ Action Men ’ are often seen as incompetent and as avoiding work which calls for common sense .
6 At Redland we are often seen as big , progressive and up-to-date .
7 With interest rates of 4 per cent or more above bank base rate , bridging loans are often seen as risky and expensive .
8 Tall hierarchies are often seen as bureaucratic .
9 As a result , women 's issues are often seen as irrelevant , or at best of low priority , and yet tacking women 's needs is central to improving the status of the most deprived — most of whom are women .
10 Such views are often condemned as blind acceptance of authority without any reason .
11 Some chapters look at the manifestations of urban breakdown-John Benyon and John Solomos writing about racial conflict and disorder , for example — others , like Robert Reiner , at the evidence on rising crime rates and the complex ethical dilemmas which are often presented as simple .
12 Loudon himself , though anxious to ‘ discard those fanciful comfortless dwellings which are often erected as ornamental cottages ’ , admits that he would ‘ scarcely have courage to pull down a fine old specimen of a picturesque cottage , unless in a case of extreme necessity ’ .
13 Indeed , the editors of this book argue that men in retirement are often viewed as potential social problems while women 's experiences are either ignored or given less significance .
14 Union workers are often viewed as privileged ‘ fat cats ’ by the growing number of unemployed and underemployed part-time workers .
15 Non-conformists are often regarded as mad , bad and dangerous to know .
16 Inner city schools are often regarded as corrupt in their intentions and management .
17 A large number of grassroot groups are keen to see community radios fulfil their vital role of helping to develop and sustain communities in areas where people are often marginalised and denied access to media which are relevant to their needs .
18 Because of this statistics are often dismissed as irrelevant or to be left to specialists .
19 So , for instance , many kinds of diarrhoea are classified as hot , while respiratory infections are often treated as cold .
20 This would avoid civil actions , which are often defeated because individual victims , even when they decide to act co-operatively , are rarely a match for corporations who decide it is better to be prudent than just .
21 My lips are often chapped and sore , which makes it difficult to apply lipstick as it wo n't stay on and looks unpleasant .
22 They are often found where hard corals have largely died out as a result of one of the above processes .
23 Thus local views on Sunday observance or prohibition are often disregarded and only views of the more vocal section of the community heeded .
24 The plants are often preserved as dark markings on shales , and were less than half a metre in length .
25 There are some good points made here and there ; Bly points out that fathers in US sitcoms are often portrayed as incompetent , in comparison with their wives , which says something about the way the American man sees himself .
26 Preventive approaches are often classified as primary ( avoiding the abnormality arising in the first place ) , secondary ( early detection and medical treatment , or selective abortion ) , or tertiary ( surgical correction ) .
27 When they engage in partnership activities with a company or companies the commercial aspects of their activities are often overlooked or under-rated .
28 Connection charges are often mitigated if electric cookers , immersion heaters , or electric central heating are installed in the proposed dwellings on the development .
29 They are often abandoned and eager for contact with outsiders .
30 Steel windows are often forgotten when new windows are being considered , but may be the perfect replacement for houses originally built with them .
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