Example sentences of "[be] important because they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Such questions are important because they probe the conditions under which political and cultural resistance is generated .
2 Triggers are important because they help us understand why people behave as they do .
3 The origins are important because they help explain a number of otherwise curious features of the societies .
4 The issues of ‘ falseness ’ and ‘ prejudice ’ are important because they relate the concept of ideology back to its origins in the work of Francis Bacon and Destutt de Tracy .
5 Objectives are important because they act as an essential backcloth to behaviour itself .
6 Function models are important because they enable us to separate tasks and approach them in an organized way .
7 For example , aspects of the time and place of the discourse in ( 5 ) are important because they have a bearing on what the speaker says in the fragment ( forty years after the described event took place , but still in Stornoway ) .
8 The slight improvements in the eighteenth century are important because they mark the beginning of the downward trend .
9 Some are important because they supply and service utilities such as gas , electricity and water ; others , even though they are small in number , because their production keeps many thousands in employment ; and still others , like doctors , nurses and paramedics , because they deal with human emergencies .
10 Young 's ideas are important because they cast serious doubt on liberal views of a just society .
11 The sex and marital status characteristics of the oldest old are important because they carry implications for personal tending if and when care becomes essential .
12 These rests are important because they allow your muscles to rebuild the depleted energy stores used up during the intense phases .
13 These matters are important because they explain how Pound and Eliot , who had campaigned as a team and would help each other for many years to come , radically differed not just in themes and attitudes ( of which something will be said hereafter ) but at this deep level , in the not altogether conscious interstices of their craft .
14 The equations that define the and curves are important because they explain how fiscal policy might affect the level of output in an economy .
15 Nevertheless it is pertinent to observe that while academic studies at college and polytechnics are presented as being important because they enrich the student , the subjects which are acceptable for entry to a primary PGCE course are clearly defined .
16 It is important because they come to trust you implicitly , and trust is the only sound basis for a good working relationship .
17 The giving of these notices at the proper times is important because they enable your council to inspect your work , to ensure that it is important because they enable your council to inspect your work , to ensure that it is satisfactory before being covered up .
18 The giving of these notices at the proper times is important because they enable your council to inspect your work , to ensure that it is important because they enable your council to inspect your work , to ensure that it is satisfactory before being covered up .
19 This was important because they had a predominantly ‘ social ’ rather than a ‘ professional ’ relationship with users , and it acted as a reminder that in the final analysis they had the power to impose sanctions when necessary .
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