Example sentences of "[be] seen to [be] more " in BNC.

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1 Yet because the old are seen to be more ill , more often than other age groups , illness and old age have become closely associated in our minds , leading to the belief that the old have to suffer and bear an unavoidable amount of pain and discomfort .
2 It has to be seen to be more socially responsible , to make people feel more comfortable about owning a Rolls . ’
3 The industry is trying to be seen to be more responsible , take a longer-term view and structure transactions more prudently .
4 Commerce can be seen to be more closely regulated from the late seventh and eighth centuries onwards in the form of manufacturing and trading centres ( Hodges 1982a ) , although these certainly do not necessarily imply free trade ; in fact , quite the opposite , for the evidence from Saxon Southampton , Hamwic , indicates that the craftsman there were as tied and organised as the rural ‘ peasantry ’ .
5 One group of sites could be seen to be more or less contemporary because they produced the same types of tool , while those which produced other types could be shown to be earlier or later in date .
6 Too frightened to speak , the man nodded vigorously , as did his men , and they walked off stiffly , none wanting to be seen to be more afraid than the others .
7 This might be seen to be more relevant to users but the trade-off would have to be made against the possible effects on the date of publication .
8 There was the application of quotas , and additional opportunities for training and development that may involve , by employers to be seen to be more encouraging and therefore more attractive to female hopefuls — wrenching the market , even , into a more equitable and efficient way of operating .
9 Public services have become more marketing orientated and have to be seen to be more accountable to their ‘ publics ’ ( e.g. the police service which is now more public relations conscious than in the past ) .
10 These were doubtless satisfactory for the individuals who had collected them and for a short period of time , until perhaps superseded by rulings that were seen to be more appropriate .
11 By examining decentralization in this way , the restructuring school argued , the role of regional policy was seen to be more complex .
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