Example sentences of "[be] made [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No comparison has been made between this group and parents of H pylori negative children , but work from other sources provides serological evidence for an increased prevalence of infection in family contacts .
2 This hypothetical situation illustrates some of the difficulties likely to be experienced when considering the North-South divide and shows why so many conflicting claims have been made about this question .
3 Despite the considerable progress that has been made under this Government in encouraging employee share ownership , will the Minister take careful note of the recent KPMG Management Consulting report which shows ways in which the qualifying employee-share option trusts can be made more flexible and therefore likely to be more widely used by companies and available to more employees in subsequent years of Conservative government ?
4 The other Non-academic Parties will also notify the Lead Organization of the sale or transfer out of the Project of any capital equipment for which any claim for payment has been made under this Agreement .
5 In the Netherlands steady progress has been made towards this objective , with a significant drop in numbers of extra-regional placements between 1970 and 1983 ( Ploeg , 1986 ) .
6 Not much has been made of this migration , some ethnic tension apart , and even less of the fact that in the years since the second world war it has been essential for western European economic life .
7 I agree entirely with my hon. Friend , and so does every independent study and assessment that has been made of this matter .
8 However , despite an increase in collaborative ventures criticisms have been made of this form of organisation .
9 The many criticisms that have been made of this body of work will be recognised , but again we will be arguing that it has much to teach us , especially as regards incorporating an understanding of instinctive behaviour into an understanding of social relations and moral careers .
10 Tax reform had been a major campaign commitment in 1976 , but four years later very little progress had been made on this matter .
11 A start has been made on this process .
12 But no great impact had been made on this side of the Channel .
13 The missed approach is commenced immediately on reaching decision height , if visual contact has not been made at this point .
14 If we return to our example , we can see that if a subject hears Forgive us our tres … and a decision has been made at this point that the incomplete word is trespasses , the subject can begin to say trespasses and ignore the rest of the word .
15 Several modifications have been made to this bridge in the century and a half since its completion , but it remains basically the same bridge that Telford designed , and was one of the great civil-engineering achievements of the period .
16 No contingency plans had been made for this eventuality .
17 An appointment has been made for this morning , but there is expected to be a delay before results are known .
18 Great advances have been made in this technique because of the interest in skin grafting , and ibroblasts do not transform to cancer cells easily in culture .
19 Although no official court ruling has yet been made in this case ( and under the Japanese legal system a final ruling is likely to be years in the making ) , MHW has decided to pay each infected haemophiliac the sum of 30,000 yen monthly ( about $280 ) and has earmarked a total of 500 million yen in the current year 's fiscal budget to meet payments .
20 It remains true that in Tate 's criticism and since ( for no advance has been made in this quarter ) ‘ rhythm ’ and ‘ movement ’ are wholly impressionistic — you hear what the critic is talking about , or else you do n't .
21 Orders for payment by the plaintiffs of costs to be taxed on the standard basis have already been made in this action .
22 Each phase is excited for half of the rotor movement in the cycle and therefore contributes an average torque : The assumption that a sinusoid is a good approximation to the shape of the torque/ position characteristic has been made in this derivation .
23 let's proceed and perhaps erm at a convenient moment we could take instructions as to er what resolutions if any have been made in this regard .
24 Although a preparatory process for the restoration of loans had been initiated during a recent visit to Beijing by a Japanese government official , no " concrete " commitment had been made in this regard , Kyodo reported .
25 Declarations similar to those referred to in the last paragraph have also been made in this context .
26 We may conclude , however , with a list of points which have been made in this chapter , and which form the basis of the use of the term " style " in this book .
27 The frequency with which references to rural housing have already been made in this chapter reflects the extent to which the housing market acts as an intermediary between the economic changes in agriculture , described earlier in this book , and the kind of social life which is now to be found in the English countryside .
28 Some progress has been made in this area , since the input to such systems is typically simpler than the text to be processed in MT or IR systems , and the interactive nature of the application allows the system to resolve certain ambiguities by asking the user to rephrase the question .
29 Moreover , we can not understand why the 10% contribution estimated to have been made from this source to total aggregates provision in the past was added to , rather than subtracted from , projected future demand ( PIP 2.7 ) .
30 Moreover , we can not understand why the 10% contribution estimated to have been made from this source to total aggregates provision in the past was added to , rather than subtracted from , projected future demand ( PIP 2.7 ) .
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