Example sentences of "[be] also [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You 're also on a drip , as you can see .
2 My fears in this are also as a father with a daughter in P6 . ’
3 Children from China 's fifty-five minority groups are also at a disadvantage in the competition for higher education places , according to Cleverley .
4 Stanfords are also worth a try , 12–14 Long Acre , Covent Garden , London EC1V 2PT .
5 They " are also in a position to explain the new methods and to communicate their virtues .
6 Both regimes are also in a period of difficult political transition , the Northern regime attempting a form of hereditary socialist succession , and the Southern regime a peaceful transfer of power to a fully civilian government .
7 It 's a business that is increasingly professional in its approach , because we are also in a business where we have to convince our clients that we know as much about what we do in our companies as they know about theirs .
8 And then this York paving stone theme would be also in a strip all the way round the perimeter of the existing marketplace , and so that you have two areas of , of natural York paving stone , high quality paving .
9 So not only am I in a job I know , I 'm also in a position to pass vital information back to the Israelis .
10 Vauxhall dealers Welch of Newport , Gwent , were also on a roll with five new cars being sold .
11 Ecclesiastical landowners were also at a disadvantage compared with laymen .
12 Coleraine , like Omagh , were also without a win before this meeting and they failed to get their game together allowing Omagh to capitalise on their hesitancy .
13 They were also in a test situation , and were aware that the passages they were reading were to be followed by questions .
14 The picturesque harbour town of Castleton , the ancient capital , is also worth a visit with its fine nautical museum and castle .
15 Well I thought I might accompany it with another equally short poem , which is also about a child .
16 It is also about a period of recent history , the 1950s , and about the way in which those years shaped individual lives and collective ideas .
17 Land in the urban fringe is also at a premium for recreation , whether for rambling or for sports and recreation grounds .
18 But the person who knows why he believes is also in a position to discover why he doubts .
19 Unlike a real victim , the interview underdog needs to remember that he or she is also in a position to evaluate .
20 Then one could argue for stable long-term subsidies to be granted to offset the higher transport costs , recognising that the higher resource cost of delivering the commodities to their consumers should be borne by the state which would otherwise have to bear the cost of unemployment ( and which is also in a position to take account of the ‘ social cost ’ to the community involved ) .
21 But it 's also about a bit more , it 's about defending the National Health Service .
22 His own background was also as a joiner , but from the late 1740s onwards he developed a quite extensive professional practice in both Shropshire and the neighbouring counties .
23 ft was just about the last poem I wrote on my own for the next six months or so ; it is called ‘ Believing Is Seeing ’ , and it was also about a carving , the sculpture illustrating the miracle of Christ healing the blind man :
24 The information I had on my own troops was also of a general , somewhat amateurish nature , but I did know that , put in its simplest form , my immune system was a collection of several kinds of cells designed to attack and destroy foreign bodies .
25 ‘ It was really good and really exciting but in a way it was also like a flashback to 1983 or something , because I still wanted to do completely different songs to everyone else !
26 The tutor-organiser was also best-placed to counsel WEA students considering full-time higher education on adult state scholarships ( of which there were two in Northamptonshire at the time ) ; he was also in a position to attend daytime meetings of local bodies , on behalf of the WEA .
27 By 799 Coenwulf was also in a position to conclude a new treaty of peace with the West Saxons , which seems to have terminated a period of temporary estrangement ( CS 295 : S 154 ) .
28 Richie 's worst experience at Sunset was also in a way his best .
29 Most of the Cubists were united in declaring that theirs was an art of realism , and in so far as Cubism was concerned with reinterpreting the external world in a detached , objective way it was also in a sense a classical art .
30 We learned later that he was paid an honorarium by the government in far-off Santiago , so that he was also in a sense their man in Punta Arenas , and it was , therefore , quite natural for him to cultivate us and be as helpful as possible .
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