Example sentences of "[be] only [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 These matters have , unfortunately , been only little explored and prescriptions are less easy to write .
2 We are only just realising that this is the first calling from which all else must flow .
3 MBO and venture capital fund investors are only slowly appreciating that the trade-off for the lower risk inherent in transactions that are more carefully selected and more conservatively structured than those typical in the mid-eighties has to be lower anticipated rates of return , whether the exit is via a trade sale or a flotation on to a less than receptive equity market .
4 But above all , engineers are only slowly acknowledging that many Western solutions , principally water-borne sewerage systems , are not the right answer for many parts of the Third World .
5 The tonofibrillae are only slowly dissolved when the old cuticle is digested by moulting fluid .
6 I 'm only just realizing that I did . ’
7 In many cases , identification of workers with the enterprise which employs them may be only weakly formed but again a community of interest may be established at this level , depending perhaps on the degree of ‘ paternalism ’ of the management , the character of employment conditions in the enterprise , and the degree of craft skill or other interesting aspect of work within the enterprise .
8 Conversely , Home Office guidelines were only exceptionally ignored since ‘ They were seen as having a legitimacy stemming from the fact of representing the authoritative interpretation of the law by the elected government of the day ’ ( ibid.:211 ) .
9 Before exercise , cGMP concentrations of New York Heart Association ( NYHA ) class I patients were only slightly raised and did not differ significantly from concentrations of healthy controls or patients with non-cardiac diseases .
10 Hence high contributions were only partially offset because receipts were comparatively low .
11 But these foreign debts were only intermittently repaid and , as a result , in the 1830s and 1840s Thornton headed the committee of Spanish bond-holders urging British governments to intervene on their behalf .
12 People were only ever watching when she did something dreadful , never at a moment of triumph .
13 I used to go and fetch the , the butter from do n't bring margarine my father used to say we put better stuff on our machines so er I used to go to for my father kept foul , I used to fetch a peck of , bushel of this and a bushel of , you know all the various things that , bran and stuff for the foul yes , yes and I believe a lady , she has , she 's only recently died and but she kept it for a long long while Elsie her name was .
14 Usually , the lens is only slightly rounded and focuses the distant parts of a scene .
15 Her disabilities are not particularly apparent — her speech is only slightly stilted and her walk remarkably confident .
16 Experience shows , however , that this approach is only effectively implemented where there are tough constraints on urban edge and greenfield sites .
17 The power of the Imperial illusion is only properly appreciated when we watch the last phase in the career of a politician 's politician of the first rank , Joseph Chamberlain .
18 Here the English source dominates ; information is only superficially analysed and often meaning is not accessed ( subjective reports of not being able to recall the material presented are not infrequent ) .
19 But today , latest tests show Philip 's kidney is only badly bruised and the 14 year old should make a full recovery .
20 It may also be heavily dependent upon voluntary efforts much of which is only loosely co-ordinated and is marginally subsidized by the public departments .
21 At this ionic strength , sequence specific binding of CytR is only weakly reduced whereas non-specific binding is strongly reduced ( Søgaard-Andersen and Valentin-Hansen , unpubl . ) .
22 For pluralists , power is only really seen as existing in action , participation , and decision-making within the public arena of politics and government .
23 Sex is only really fulfilling when it 's part of the total commitment of marriage .
24 He concludes with this paragraph : If religion throughout the ages , and certainly in many parts of the world today , has been used as a weapon for destructive purposes , are we not called to demonstrate that as people of faith we can both live in passionate commitment to our respective tradition and at the same time in compassionate respect for each other and to affirm that the faith commitment of each one is only truly realized when we live in that mutual respect accordingly ?
25 It is not quite as wide for damage to the plant whilst in transit between sites , whereas such damage is only now covered provided the reason for removal is ‘ cleaning , renovation or repair to other premises ’ .
26 Since the language is only recently published and is not yet implemented on any commercially available computer system ( Apple 4 when it is available may support a subset of the SMALLTALK ) ( see reference 8 ) , we shall not try to describe its structural syntax but only some of its essential elements .
27 Bett 's corner was only partially cleared and Paul Kane blasted a shot through a ruck of players .
28 Dead matter was only partially decomposed and vestiges of the woody parts ( such as spores , pollen bark and twigs ) remained forming a layer of peat .
29 It was only just washed and ironed that even on you .
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