Example sentences of "[be] well [vb pp] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 It has been well argued that the payment having been voluntary , it can not be recovered back in an action for money had and received .
2 It has been well argued that the payment having been voluntary , it can not be recovered back in an action for money had and received .
3 It has been well argued that the development of the Atlantic began as far back as Precambrian times .
4 It has been well argued that the great procession , headed by the Host and including the orders of the Church and social guilds , interrupted by the plays performed by the guild members reminding followers of the archetypal story of God 's plan of salvation from the Creation to the Last Judgement , provided opportunity for participating in that sense of unity beyond division which is the heart of Christian belief , and which underpins the social value put on the more isolated lives of contemplatives .
5 This book is a contribution to the dissemination process and in attempting to make research ‘ user friendly ’ the style and language used are directed to non-academic readers primarily , it being well established that the language and presentation of academic research reports do not encourage wide readership .
6 It is well proven that the stronger the team , the stronger the back-up and support system , the stronger are the chances of success — and you ca n't have all this without financial support .
7 Your point is well taken that a percentage of those will go on to a transmural infarct , but I have difficulty in understanding these figures in relation to an expected mortality for sub-endocardial infarction of around 5–6% .
8 It is well established that a director is a fiduciary .
9 It is well established that a public law decision by a local authority may be open to challenge by way of defence or counterclaim to an action brought by the local authority in the High Court or the county court , notwithstanding the fact that if the defendant had sought to begin the proceedings he would have had to do so by way of judicial review : see Wandsworth London Council v. Winder [ 1985 ] A.C. 461 .
10 Certainly it is well established that a man is not guilty of rape of a woman who is too drunk to consent even where it is he who has coaxed her to drink .
11 It is well established that a buyer may reject goods which do not conform to a contractual sample .
12 It is well established that the judge in a criminal trial has power to call a witness .
13 It is well established that the prehistoric amber trade , from Samland on the Baltic coast , used this route , and it was probably also used by German pastoralists and barbarian invaders .
14 It is well established that the loss of such services can be the basis of a claim under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 .
15 It is well established that the court will only exercise its power to dismiss a case at this stage in exceptional circumstances .
16 It is well established that the courts can not make a contract for the parties .
17 It is well known that a type of osteoporosis , a demineralisation of the bone , occurs when vertebrates spend time in microgravity .
18 However it is well known that a financial crisis in 1866 seriously affected several minor railways throughout the country .
19 After all it is well known that every type of electromagnetic effect is carried by photons , and we have seen that photons can not escape from within a black hole .
20 Similarly it is well known that an easy item following a difficult one appears to be more difficult .
21 It is well known that an original tenant remains liable on the covenants in the lease , even after an assignment .
22 It is well known that the personal characteristics of a participant observer affect their research practice ( see Hunt 1984 ; Warren 1988 ; Warren and Rasmussen 1977 ; Wax 1979 ) , and that being female brings its own problems in the field .
23 They have written that ‘ It is well known that the great Soviet pedagogue , A. S. Makarenko , succeeded in forming a genuine Soviet collective of charges only after a Komsomol organization was established in his colony . ’
24 It is well known that the Albanians , who predominate in Kosovo and in parts of western Macedonia , tend to have very large families , Such rapid rates of growth of population in areas of poverty and high unemployment are naturally a matter of great concern to the authorities .
25 But it is well known that the provision of advice services nationally is uneven and as the best.known generalist advice agency , the CAB feels that it would be failing the wider community if it did not consider what barriers may be preventing people from approaching a CAB for advice .
26 It is well known that the majority of dementia sufferers living at home receive the main part of their care from family , friends and neighbours ( see for example Bergmann , 1978 ; Levin et al , 1983 ) .
27 It is well known that the movement was part of a complex colonizing process which began in the early 1880s in the East End of London , whereby members of the upper classes lived among the poor , providing them with a variety of educational , recreational , and welfare services .
28 Secondly , it is well known that the impact of the rediscovery of poverty in the 1880s helped to bring about a much more complex analysis of poverty and its causes , which in turn looked toward the State to begin to solve the problem .
29 It is well known that the belief in citizenship was derived from the writings of T. H. Green , the Oxford Idealist philosopher , who more than any other figure made the connection between philosophy and educational theory and practice .
30 It is well known that the plastic used on original Fenders used to fade from white to a sort of greenish grey , and this type of scratchplate has been on offer as a cosmetic retro-fit for some time .
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