Example sentences of "[be] an [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I see you 're an admirer of the Bard . ’
2 I feel that they 're an extension of the same thing — the voice and guitar being as one . ’
3 We 're an example of the excellence , as well as the unity , the Caribbean is capable of . ’
4 I am addressing this meeting , not because I am an expert in the field of training European teachers to teach their mother tongue , but because the Language Teaching Centre ( LTC ) of the University of York is running a project to bring over qualified language teachers from Germany and France and retrain them to teach their mother tongue as a foreign language in British schools .
5 ‘ I am an officer of the king , and the crown is involved .
6 I am an artist on the verge of becoming professional and I am seriously considering investing in an airbrush kit .
7 If dealt with in this order the opening gambit would be ( 1 ) ‘ I am an interviewer from the North Midlands Institute for Social Research and ( 2 ) we are carrying out a survey of the working-day of housewives .
8 I am an alien from the planet Zog Okay
9 Mr. Win : Unlike Conservative Members , I am an admirer of the SDA and I am not attacking it in any way .
10 I should point out that nothing in this book should be construed as implying that I am an authority on the caves and potholes I mention .
11 I am an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from the United States .
12 Well I do n't think he is , I think what he 's put , what he 's describing is a restorationist response initially by the peasantry , all o almost all of these actions could be seen as restorationist , they are an attack on the system not working because of the actions of evil gentry , corrupt bureaucrats , local officials etcetera etcetera
13 For example , bank notes held by an individual are an asset to the holder whereas to the issuing authority , i.e. central bank , the notes represent a liability .
14 I believe the tracks are an asset to the community . ’
15 The youth Law changes are in their infancy and are an asset to the game if they are given a fair chance .
16 ‘ Good tenants are an asset for the brewery , ’ he said .
17 The more usual arrangement is that the inverted indexes are an addition to the main file , as explained earlier .
18 Alternative kits are an insult to the true supporters of the game and to those who have worn the white shirt in the past with pride .
19 He says dirt and sloppy habits are an insult to the Lord .
20 Although they are a standard device in parliamentary elections in most of the democracies of continental Europe , they are an abomination for the evangelists of the STV and sometimes a stumbling block for less prejudiced supporters of electoral reform .
21 Curly horns are an advantage to the breeders of domesticated species , being less dangerous .
22 Erm and I mean I 'm not too sure , you 'd probably need to ask the probation people , what specific things they were looking for , but I suppose the probation service , I mean you are an officer of the court ,
23 Paintings , colours , forms , even ideas are an expression of the artist 's choice .
24 The confiscation laws are an expression of the maxim that a person should not profit from his or her own crime .
25 But for those who speak the language — nigger , whore , bitch motherfucker , — the songs are an exploration of the all too real problems being confronted in today 's urban American communities .
26 The sharp edges do not occur because very sudden changes really occur in numbers of unemployed receiving supplementary benefit ; they are an artefact of the method of constructing the plot , and it is justifiable to want to remove them .
27 It may turn out that the differences are an artefact of the methods used in different laboratories , but it is difficult to see what the relevant differences may be .
28 Among the ideas being floated by those owners who see television as their saviour are an expansion of the National and American leagues from two divisions each to three divisions each ; the introduction of regular season games between clubs in the two leagues ; and the involvement of eight clubs , rather than the present four , in play-off games at the end of the season .
29 True , all acts of government policy create a presumption that they will remain in force and are an invitation to the citizen to adapt his private behaviour accordingly ; but the tendency of decisions in the social service field to create vested interests is of a quite peculiar order .
30 The idea that we might feel , that we might be angry , that we might care , that we might even have what are disparagingly known as ‘ gut feelings ’ rather than hard scientific evidence , is held to be something of a problem if you are an environmentalist on the road to success .
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