Example sentences of "[be] this time [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Re-assembly is this time achieved by the rotation of link C , in its space , until the new end point R2 is the identical distance from P as is R. The sub-space containing both B and C is then rotated about P to bring R2 back to R.
2 The Lawson parameter is this time multiplied by the number density , the number of ions in a unit volume of plasma , n : the sustainment time is the length of time for which these conditions are maintained .
3 Captain Swift and his party are set adrift but the good fortune customarily accorded to characters in the right is this time acceded to those whom we must call villains .
4 The role of the lonely outsider with an aching heart but crusty exterior is this time taken by Irish actress Brenda Fricker , grimed up to her red eyeballs as a bag lady with a pigeon fetish .
5 The wartime commentator 's jingoistic jangle was this time replaced by a solemn voice , and we were confronted with pictures of moving skeletons , some of them smiling weakly and making slow gestures .
6 But instead of the usual payload of gravel or iron ore , its hold was this time packed with several thousand colour-coded oil drums .
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