Example sentences of "[be] that i [verb] i " in BNC.

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1 All I can say is that I doubt I will be asked to join the Lochaber Mountain Rescue Team .
2 But what it is that I measure I do not know .
3 Although there was not much probability in my case , the answer is that I wish I had .
4 ‘ What I mean is that I wish I could snap my fingers and suddenly there 'd be a band playing some soft , slow music . ’
5 I know they are saying ‘ she ca n't sing ’ but the important thing to me is that I know I can .
6 What annoys me is that I know I saw the damn thing not too long ago !
7 ‘ What I mean , ’ said Robert , feeling a direct approach was required , ‘ is that I think I am having a nervous breakdown . ’
8 Gravedigger Jose Molina said : ‘ What scares me is that I think I 'll be her first victim . ’
9 ‘ What I mean to say , ’ replied Robert , ‘ is that I feel I need to know where I stand . ’
10 What made things particularly difficult was that I felt I was n't Black enough for my Black colleagues and that white workers picking up on the division used this to their advantage by divide-and-rule tactics .
11 When I was arrested in August , one charge against me was that I said I wanted free elections , ’ said Mr Carnogursky , aged 45 .
12 My problem , if you can call it that , at the time was that I thought I had all the natural talent in the world and did n't need to train .
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