Example sentences of "[be] that she do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The other point which is missing from the statement is that she does not deny that her marriage to Prince Charles is in trouble . ’
2 ‘ Yeah , but the word is that she did n't realize IMC sent a whole fleet .
3 And another thing , she did n't have to do well her mother 's erm her mother-in-law seems a bit erm bad tempered with her , like , she 's is that she did n't have to tell John , her ex-husband that there 's anything the matter like and and , and that 's when she she , all she wants to do is get him against me .
4 The answer is that she did not tell us .
5 There would be no more In Love redemption , thought Jay , in fact all she knew was that she did n't know what Love was .
6 The reason for this was that she did n't like Mr. Gordon .
7 What Karen did n't realize , in her moment of cheap triumph , was that she did n't either .
8 Ruth had totally forgotten the outing and her immediate feeling was that she did n't want to go .
9 Of course , the effect of all this was that she did n't like my children very much , and she had some justification for this .
10 The only thing you had to watch out was that she did n't start to stagger and put one of them feet down on you a bit sharp , or fell on you as she were a-swaying about with her jink-back .
11 The truth was that she did n't want Sam to be in love : not seriously in love with an older man , and the boy in the bistro was n't really a boy at all , being at least twenty-two .
12 And the worst part was that she did n't know how long she was going to have to stay here .
13 ‘ Heather 's problem was that she did n't feel she belonged , Mr Barnett .
14 Not that it mattered , she thought ; the truth was that she did n't give a damn about herself .
15 And so it was that she did n't hear Andrew come in and enter the sitting-room , there to see his daughter dressed for going out in her wide-skirted jersey dress , her black hair hanging loose about her shoulders , and wearing , of all things , green-lobed earrings .
16 The allegation was that she did not do enough to help her , and over a period of time this had made the carer extremely angry , and at the same time made their mother dissatisfied about the care she was receiving .
17 The truth was that she did not especially wish to learn .
18 The only difference now was that she did not show it .
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