Example sentences of "[be] that it [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Irish Times quoted Craig as claiming that a reason for banning the march had been that it posed a threat to the United States military base in Derry :
2 Up to this point the only political significance of racism had been that it provided a divided work force for employers .
3 A disadvantage of team teaching , of course , has been that it required the teacher , normally an individualistic person accustomed to complete authority within the four walls of his classroom , to sink his authority and his subject speciality within a group .
4 Another effect of the phrase would seem to be that it enables the person uttering the remarks or engaging in the behaviour to assert that he was unaware of the presence of his audience , which duplicates the requirements of intention now built into the section .
5 The only possible explanation of this radiation , which corresponds to a temperature of about 3K ( 3 C° above the absolute zero of cold ) , seemed to be that it represented the residual energy left over from the Big Bang .
6 The one good effect of the poll tax may be that it forces the sale of these empty properties to people who will breathe new life into half-dead communities .
7 If I were looking for a fault with the conception of the series , it could only be that it lacks a single volume overview of the whole of the development of quantum theory , a volume concentrating on the broad sweep of ideas and leaving out the mathematical detail .
8 The matter was first drawn to our attention as far back as 1974 when the nuclear industry inspectorate 's chief inspector said this about the consequences of developing reprocessing in the United Kingdom : ’ The price for Britain of building lucrative business world-wide in nuclear fuel services could be that it becomes the dumping place for the world 's nuclear waste . ’
9 A typical objection against it might be that it involves an attempt to settle a metaphysical issue without first clarifying the conditions under which such an issue can be meaningfully discussed .
10 True , this remedy contains more than an element of ‘ big brother ’ and it may be that it does no more than turn the criminals away from the areas covered by the cameras ' eyes .
11 The main criterion for an engine , says Mr Nearn , has to be that it fits the car .
12 Subjective reports on the effects of reduced sleep were that it produced a chronic feeling of sleepiness ( as measured by the Stanford Sleepiness Scale questionnaire ) , and , perhaps not surprisingly , increased the feeling of needing more sleep .
13 The crucial weaknesses of the South Korean army on the eve of the Korean War were that it lacked the range and quality of the equipment possessed by the North Korean forces and that the leadership of the North Korean army was inspired by a fanaticism unequalled by those fighting for Syngman Rhee .
14 Its fundamental differences to the original Illustrator product were that it simplified the user interface both by the introduction of a freehand tool and the classification of anchor points into line , corner and curve types while simultaneously introducing the benefits of colour .
15 Compania de Telefonos de Chile SA 's $182.6m proposed convertible bond issue won ratings of triple-B-minus rating from Standard & Poor 's Corp , and Baa-3 from Moody 's Investors Service Inc ; Standard & Poor 's said its rating reflects the company 's dominant position in local telephone services , growth prospects , and favourable regulatory framework ; Moody 's that it believes the company will continue to be the largest telecommunications company in Chile and will benefit from a supportive regulator .
16 While agreeing with this description of Hoccleve 's illness as of psychotic severity , our own evaluation is that it had a more depressive quality , many of the symptoms described by Hoccleve meeting the modern criteria for serious depression .
17 The first is that it maintain a monopoly of economic power .
18 A second problem with compensation theory is that it ignores the period during which any changes are taking place — the transitional period .
19 One of the criticisms of reporting convertible debt as a liability is that it ignores the equity rights which are inherent in an issue of convertible debt .
20 The response of Dr P to communications , it will be remembered , is that it ignores the aesthetic , that it is so obsessed with ‘ ideological statements and political texts ’ that it can no longer make a distinction between good and bad .
21 The weakness of this approach in terms of the British civil service is that it ignores the force of ministerial responsibility .
22 But the main weakness of this type of explanation is that it ignores the relationship between the various parts of the state apparatus and their socio-economic environment under both pre- and post-independence regimes .
23 One of the reasons for the beneficial effect of dietary fibre is that it reduces the absorption of cholesterol — but there are other ways , too , in which it would appear to perform useful functions in keeping the heart healthy .
24 My main difficulty is that it reduces the principle enunciated by this House in the Hoffmann-La Roche case to the status of an arbitrary rule — what Dillon L.J .
25 On a portable , the justification for this is that it reduces the weight , but the BJ-200 is n't a portable .
26 But one consequence of such stylistic infection is that it reduces the difference between the text being written about and the essay , and dissolves the boundary ( and difference of purpose ) between the two .
27 One interpretation of the intermittent energy which Joseph Sturge put into the free produce movement in the 1840s is that it constituted an attempt by a Friend who had launched out into public and even political life to maintain links with more traditionally quietist brethren who none the less looked for greater perfection in the world .
28 But perhaps the precise reasons for its origin and the timing of its confirmation are not so important ; of greater significance is that it became a key precedent during the ensuing century for those who wished to restrict the outflow of money from the English church to the church universal and in particular to the Roman Curia ; its appeal to the interests of patrons whose intentions were thwarted or impaired by impositions on the houses so that ‘ infinite loss and disinheritance are like to ensue to the founders of the said houses and their heirs ’ was to reappear in the later statute of Provisors .
29 The disadvantage of product departmentation is that it creates a new form of management and therefore increases the overhead costs and managerial complexity of the organisation .
30 His view of this " delirious " material ( note the etymology of délire ) is that it breaks the rules of language ( grammar , syntax , semantic cohesion ) but that it does not mean nothing .
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