Example sentences of "[be] that [pron] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But first I want to say how sorry I am that I had to send Dawn to you instead of coming myself as I promised .
2 May I start by saying how pleased I am that you have recognised Michael Buerk , Alistair Cooke and the Today programme team .
3 Feelings within the BBC are that somebody has to go and that the 69-year-old Mr Hussey is likely to be the one .
4 The problems with unwanted feelings are that they tend to hinder us in the here and now even though the feelings are often associated with past or future events .
5 And I I think some of the lessons from Eastern Europe are that they have tried to go from one old system to a new system at an incredibly swift pace .
6 The only possible answers are that they wanted to ensure that Lothar would not evade the battle , and that the battle would be decisive .
7 However , I think the practicalities in the situation are that we have to face the fact that they are not going to behave impartially and you see we have a classic example in er the circumstances of our own situation as described by John .
8 Paradoxically , it is only when we accept ourselves as we are that we begin to change .
9 For example , there was a chap I knew who was in Simon House and the rules of the house are that you 've got to stay off the drink , and unfortunately he had a slip and went back on it .
10 Another very important consideration is how certain you are that you intend to stay in your present home .
11 Well , if there is a God and if he can help , would you know what help you truly want , what the changes are that you want to bring about in your life ?
12 If not the chances are that you need to find out about the way directories and path names work .
13 If you ca n't find these three files then the chances are that someone has deleted then to save space .
14 But these days , with space at a premium , a room kept solely for dining is rare ; the chances are that it has to double as a work room , say for hobbies like model making , or as a quiet place where the family can get on with homework , studying or other paperwork .
15 She said : ‘ The strength of my country in recent years has been that we have had no coalition , just clear leadership , a clear majority and clear decisions .
16 One of the major criticisms of these previous theories has been that they have tended to see their subject matter ( that is , rule-breaking ) as straightforward and easily identifiable — crime being behaviour that breaks certain of the rules of society .
17 So single-minded had she been that she 'd forgotten the presence of Mike and this man .
18 Once he had hit her so hard when she would n't tell him where she 'd been that she had had concussion .
19 Or , perhaps , it may have been that she had married him .
20 The announcement on the morning of 22 November of Mrs Thatcher 's decision to resign came as a dramatic surprise to the public because , up to that point , all the outward signs had been that she intended to stick to her initial resolve to contest the second ballot .
21 The attraction of Lucas Simmonds had been that he had appeared to be confidently , unusually , happily " normal " , good friend , good sport , reliable leader , bright chap , blazer , flannels and smiling face .
22 One of these had been that he had suggested going to the Isle of Wight on holiday with the same friends , every year , self-catering .
23 Since then he has been seen by the right-wing as Maggie 's prince-in-waiting , but his skill has been that he has remained very much in favour with the Major Government where his ability and amiability won him respect .
24 So successful has the state system been that it has lost only about 1 per cent of its operations to a private competitor under the system of tendering for the provision of local passenger services that was also introduced by the 1988 rail reforms .
25 According to Carl Chilley , principal business services consultant , the problem with distributed computing has been that it has encouraged the development of technology for technology 's sake , without real thought as to how to implement it effectively in a business environment .
26 One of the criticisms levelled at the board has been that it fails to consult properly or listen to objections to proposals .
27 At the time of her conversion , she was sometimes ecstatic with love ; on one occasion she returned home , and was so on fire with love which God had manifested to her that all she could utter was : ‘ O Love , can it be that thou hast called me with so much love , and revealed to me , at one view , what no tongue can describe ? ’ — Von Hugel .
28 For others it might be that they wish to maintain the relationship between the father and the children and fear that ill-feeling will be created by a vigorous pursuit of maintenance .
29 Their crime seemed to be that they had sung the song ‘ Hernando 's Hideaway ’ too loudly .
30 It could equally be that they had spotted my men following them and were attempting to shake them off . ’
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