Example sentences of "[be] for the [noun] take " in BNC.

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1 The most valuable form of subsidy , he says , would be for the Government to take a real and permanent interest in the British film industry , to foster — simply with time and energy — a nurturing climate .
2 It must be for the lender to take the responsible decision .
3 ‘ ( 1 ) Whether it is for the buyer to take possession of the goods or for the seller to send them to the buyer is a question depending in each case on the contract , express or implied , between the parties .
4 ‘ John Dyson , ’ the chairman was saying , ‘ do you , as a journalist , agree with the suggestion that what we need is for the press to take a firm moral lead and play down all news to do with race relations ? ’
5 No clear principles determine the allocation of disputes to these bodies although the greater the element of discretion and the more important the policy considerations , the less likely it is for the courts to take on the new area of responsibility .
6 Since the Vendor will have entered into the relevant contracts in the first place it is for the Vendor to take the risk as saying whether or not the contracts fall within these categories .
7 In private law , by contrast , it is for the defendant to take action to have the plaintiff 's case struck out if it is without substance .
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