Example sentences of "[be] for [det] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the trend in the recent past has been for such experiments to get simpler and simpler ( more and more transparent ) in terms of the decision-problems given to the subjects .
2 The pattern has usually been for such people to establish themselves as privileged representatives of a ‘ god ’ who has the power to punish or destroy those who do not conform to the rules which they , the privileged , have themselves formulated , but have attributed to the ‘ god ’ .
3 But see what my reward 's been for those years spent glorifying God at my craft . ’
4 It is not the case that social science theories , once their value-components or culture-boundedness have been revealed , are for that reason relegated to the local museum of the social sciences to become an object of quaint curiosity .
5 For those who want to make a choice or are for some reason coming new to Ferrier , I would recommend the fifth disc with the unforgettable Chausson and Brahms , the sixth , which has some of her best and most lovable performances of British song , including Purcell 's Mad Bess of Bedlam preciously available only in an EP , allied to some precious Wolf , sung with new-found subtlety of nuance , from a Norwegian Radio recital , and the ninth disc , the Edinburgh recital with Walter , which has much the more telling of her two accounts of Frauenliebe und -leben .
6 These encounters are for this reason accompanied by a great deal of laughing , smiling and verbal exchanges .
7 But there is no reason for the Community to get involved in employment legislation , which must be for each country to decide for itself .
8 One set of scenarios for the engineering industry suggests that in a country such as Norway , with small communities at the heads of the many fiords , an appropriate use of the technology would be for each community to have some equipment to produce particular parts of a product or to engage in particular parts of a production process .
9 Whether one is satisfied that Mercier made free with its location so as to avoid having a fussy detail right at the edge of his picture must be for each observer to decide .
10 What would be more difficult would be for each group to resist both poles of power ( management and union ) and not become a caucus or adjunct of either .
11 The answer of course would be for all suppliers to put a ‘ sell-by or ‘ best before date on the boxes of test kits with a specific shelf life .
12 Much everyday reasoning about causes , however , seems to demand perfect relationships : ‘ Smoking does n't cause lung cancer ; the man next door to us got lung cancer and he had never smoked a cigarette in his life ’ , implying that the only cast-iron proof would be for all smokers to get lung cancer and for no non-smokers to get
13 It is anticipated that the usual request will be for all cross-references pointing to a given range of entries .
14 It is important to remember that there are risks attached to being kind to people in this state , and important also not to underestimate how difficult it may be for such people to reach out on their own .
15 The way forward should be for both sides to try and understand one another , to recognise each others ' rights , feelings and beliefs .
16 So — hard as it may be for some people to believe — we disinfected the whole place , sloshing the stuff everywhere .
17 If the defendants should succeed in such an application , upon the ground that a verdict and judgment for libel in favour of the council , as a local government authority , would constitute a breach of article 10 , it would be for this country to decide whether to leave the law as it would , on that hypothesis , have been declared to be , or to change it to avoid the risk of repetition .
18 In London as a whole the grammar schools ( twenty-one of which were directly maintained by the London County Council ) were for many years to admit 17–20 per cent of each age group , and the movement towards comprehensive schools was painfully slow .
19 When in the same issue the journal reviewed Why Men Forget we are reminded of just how many social melodramas there were for this film showed a Socialist spokesman being discharged from a factory and ‘ denouncing wealth in no uncertain terms ’ before inheriting wealth and marrying a society girl and finally deciding to return to the poor folk from whence he came .
20 That 's for all wheel balancing .
21 ‘ That 's for these gentlemen to decide . ’
22 The measures which we can use include indications that the animal is failing to cope with its environment ( with the difficulties which it encounters ) and measures of how hard it is for that individual to cope with the difficulties .
23 At an economic level , when a conflict of interest situation is abused the tendency is for that abuse to distort the efficient allocation of ( scarce ) resources within the economy .
24 Subject , however , to the help of the court in these various ways , the basic principle underlying the preparation and presentation of a party 's case in the High Court in England is that it is for that party to obtain and present the evidence which he needs by his own means , provided always that such means are lawful in the country in which they are used .
25 The official aim is for all countries to take a critical look at their own communications policies and to help the developing nations improve theirs .
26 Advanced Diesel is for all diesel engined vehicles .
27 With around 700 people a year dying in house fires , doctors from Cardiff Royal Infirmary stress how important it is for all homes to have smoke detectors .
28 RE should help pupils to appreciate that there is another language possible — one which perhaps makes more sense , but that is for each person to decide for him/herself .
29 Local education authorities have considerable flexibility to provide additional assistance to small primary schools , through the small school protection factor , but it is for each authority to devise its own scheme and to choose its priorities within that scheme in the light of local needs .
30 The first way is for each department to make its own plans without much regard to the others .
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