Example sentences of "[be] to be [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 The ideal situation , of course , would be to be empathic and in rapport with the horse .
2 Rooms on the first floor , not hitherto seen by visitors , are to be remodelled and mounted with French panelling formerly owned by Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild .
3 It is fundamentally robust and so will not require frequent adjustment , a significant feature if Scottish qualifications are to be credible and readily understood in the rest of the UK and beyond .
4 so the must sum to zero if the constraints are to be feasible and we will assume this to be true hereafter .
5 Meanwhile , expectations are rising that Sun will soon announce its awaited 45MHz Model 52 and 54 , which are to be dual and quad processor machines , along with perhaps an unanticipated 45MHz uniprocessor ( the Model 51 ? ) and a 50MHz single , dual or quad configuration ( the Model 61 ? ) .
6 The conceptual requirements are to be clear and exact in our use of these and subsidiary terms , and to confront and seek to resolve the many and often contentious value issues which each of them raises .
7 Relationships with foreigners , according to the official line , were to be friendly and co-operative , but based on the contribution they could make to China 's modernisation drive .
8 The autonomy of the Kurdish zone was to be strengthened , in an area expanded to include Kirkuk ; there were to be new and free elections to Kurdish councils ; the Kurds , having asked for a fair share of oil revenue , would be allotted 25–30% of the total Iraqi budget .
9 Chris Patten is among the sceptics : ‘ Even if it ( investment ) were to be successful and encourage a 40 or 50 per cent increase in the use of rail , it would make damn-all difference to the growth in road traffic — it would just take a few percentage points off the top . ’
10 Freemen who failed to swear were to be mutilated and exiled .
11 Partnerships were to be developed between central and local government , social problems were to be relieved and a better demographic balance was to be achieved between the older cities and their surrounding conurbations .
12 These schools were to be non-denominational and open to inspection .
13 Whereas similar provisions in other countries were mainly designed to provide facilities which could or could not be used , the Irish ones were to be compulsory and there was to be no choice of doctor .
14 These weapons , called cruise and Pershing , were to be land-based and many of the cruise missiles were to be sited in the United Kingdom .
15 In a sense I suppose , er what DeKlerk 's government has demonstrated is that they are trying as it were to be impartial and not allow political considerations to influence their judgement about whether Mrs Mandela should go on trial .
16 A process of constitutional change involving the dismantling of the apartheid system began in South Africa following the announcement by the President in his speech at the opening of Parliament on Feb. 2 , 1990 , not only that the release of African National Congress ( ANC ) leader Nelson Mandela was imminent , but also that the ANC , the Pan-Africanist Congress and the South African Communist Party were to be unbanned and that the 1953 Reservation of Separate Amenities Act was to be repealed .
17 Windley was anxious to avoid any misunderstanding as to the purpose of the camp ; the main things , he emphasized , were to be flexible and ‘ to treat the Moran with the greatest good humour and avoid any suspicion of it being a labour camp .
18 He also laid down certain rules fur balance , on the need to bend the knees always as a preparation for any kind of step followed by a stretch , on the vital use of the head and on the need fur the co-ordination of all parts if the desired movements were to be precise and elegant .
19 As any of the information in the Figure 1 may have a bearing on a section in question , it can readily be seen that advanced hyper-text features are needed if all the relevant subject matter is to be available and easily reached in the electronic medium .
20 Each different form requires the mastery of its specific skills if , as is surely the object of the enterprise , the product is to be available and to communicate to all who may be interested .
21 People also need to like advertising if it is to be successful and , again , the results show that people did find the ads funny and enjoyed watching them .
22 I 've had my health put right so now all I 'd like is to be rich and famous .
23 Although Batty is my favourite player probably I would say his form is the least ‘ inspirational ’ , and yet I think his role is to be solid and dependable … so I reckon he is still doing his job and I also do nt see anyone doing it better .
24 Secondly , the gift must be made upon the condition that it is to be absolute and perfected only on the donor 's death , being revocable until that event occurs and ineffective if it does not .
25 There is no such thing as bad publicity , and sometimes the only way to force change is to be anti-social and become a problem which eventually the authorities have to deal with .
26 If the resulting index is to be effective and efficient , the assignment of notation from a classification scheme or the application of subject headings from a recognized list involves skill and judgement .
27 This emphasis upon the need for cultural and social reinforcement , though often overlooked by educationalists , is crucially important if the learning process is to be useful and related to the experience of the community groups so that they feel they can go on to employ practical applications of their learning .
28 To be old is to be wrinkled and crabbit and heading for Parkinson 's or Alzheimer 's disease .
29 The contracts typically say that the decision of the expert is to be final and binding , and that is what the courts say it has to be , in the absence of fraud , partiality or mistake .
30 Expert clauses often provide that the decision is to be final and binding in the absence of manifest error .
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