Example sentences of "[be] in [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 All those people who 've never done it before and if you 're in bed at the moment I 'll perhaps have a chat with you while you 're in bed this morning .
2 Perhaps he was like the people who think they 're Napoleon , or that they 're in love with the Queen .
3 ‘ You 're in love with the boss . ’
4 No , they were see they were talking , when no , when they prattle you 're in tune with the prattle
5 But we 're in contact with the enemy so you 're lucky … . ’
6 We 're in favour of the part that would protect the work of art after it leaves the studio , but we 've fought against the resale royalties section that would provide a share of resale profits to go to the artists .
7 The other districts have had plenty of opportunity to say so but they have not and I believe that can be taken that they are not favourably disposed to a new settlement within their district , regardless of whether they 're in favour of the principle of it .
8 I think I I I do n't think we 're in treason of the truth .
9 And probably you 're in hock to the Service 's being friends ( the Service always had banking friends ) for this boatyard , too .
10 As long as they 're in Pesth for the start of the journey south , they can do very much as they like , although none of them will be welcome at court . ’
11 He thinks we 're in league with the police to get rid of him and now my husband wo n't have anything to do with him , he leaves it all to me .
12 Yeah in the market , but er in Red Parks they 're in front of the exit
13 Call and you 're in touch with the kitchen and conservatory specialists with probably the highest reputation for quality .
14 He said to Kit , ‘ You 're in touch with the crunch-points in this country .
15 The G P's are in turmoil at the moment , the G P practices , they 're in turmoil at the moment , that 's damaging .
16 And although you know , to all intents and purposes , those appointments are inviolate , I know that they 're in pink on the slide , but they are inviolate in terms of I 'm not going to cede that time to anyone else .
17 " Now " he said " write down all the detailed types of communication you think can take place while you 're in College until the end of your courses and put them in the right parts of the chart .
18 ‘ Bailey 's already briefed him on the telephone but he wo n't know you 're in charge of the operation until he gets here .
19 Right , that was a very big statement , the youth of the world and you happen to be the youth of the world , there 's a lot of you , so how , there you are , you 're in charge of the world , how are you going to do just that ?
20 Louise you 're in charge of the can collection ?
21 Carlos , you 're in charge of the Study Programme .
22 I am in love with the King and I want a divorce .
23 ‘ I am in love with the needle .
24 I am in sympathy with the approach Tony Wedd advocated , which was to accept temporarily everything that was put forward , to work with it and see where it got you : the attitude of the technologist as opposed to the scientist .
25 I am in favour of the orchestras .
26 I think , on balance I am in favour of the aquad numbers .
27 ‘ I am in favour of the measures , ’ she said .
28 While I am in agreement with the opinion that during recent rugby contests involving England and France many irresponsible and regrettable actions have been carried out by individuals , I refuse to accept that the French players are always the villains and that the English team are as innocent as the colour of their jersey suggests .
29 The Commission has been in existence for the same length of time as the Fair Employment Agency , since 1976 .
30 These will vary according to the weather and demand , but should include a visit to Wieliczka , famous for its salt miles which have been in existence since the 13th century .
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