Example sentences of "[be] a [noun sg] [that] people " in BNC.

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1 I was n't supposed to be a novelty that people come to look at , like we became in the Beatles .
2 Being humble does n't mean being a wimp , being soft and out of touch , nor does it involve being a doormat that people abuse and walk over .
3 Maybe it 's a pity that people have n't lost the head a bit ; that they have n't gone berserk and showed up the authorities for what they are — I do n't know , unfeeling , inhuman , unconcerned .
4 But there is a cost of that and it 's a cost that people will recognise .
5 It seems like it 's a pit that people slide into .
6 ‘ If these two concepts are interpreted too simply , there 's a danger that people will believe we have to ensure only that the customer is satisfied or delighted .
7 ‘ This is a reminder that people are concerned .
8 However , this technique is particularly unsuitable for population estimation because as Tobler ( 1979 ) points out , there is a danger that people can be created or removed .
9 As there is a danger that people will be confused and might buy from the second retailer thinking that they are buying from the other , he should be able to obtain an injunction preventing the second retailer from continuing to use the name he has chosen .
10 Churchill 's Black Dog may be marred by cut-price literary criticism , and its construction may be slapdash , but its armature is a belief that people can , by an act of creative will , save their souls at any stage , that fundamental personal change is possible after 40 , 50 , even 60 .
11 Business Support Services Management is a term that people throughout the company are becoming familiar with .
12 A C.B. is a radio that people can talk to each other on rather like a telephone but it is not private as anyone who has a C.B. can listen in to your conversations .
13 ‘ This is a place that people would come to die in . ’
14 There is a risk that people will become over cautious unwilling to rock the boat and upset others by taking on new ideas .
15 He believed that it was a piece that people would want to go on seeing for years , and that turning it into a film would shorten its life .
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