Example sentences of "[be] a [adj] [noun sg] that " in BNC.

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1 If you 're a financial institution that might be or data , and if you 're a manufacturing plant it might be process control information on P L Cs on the shop floor .
2 ‘ And now you 're a magic carpet that can take me to paradise , ’ she said , not feeling in the least foolish for saying something so idiotic .
3 Cold winter maybe , but it had been a long summer that ended that afternoon , from Powell , through the May Events and , at the end of August , the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia , which had again pulled the demonstrators on to the streets , but on this occasion down to Notting Hill and Olympia , the homes of the Czech and Soviet embassies , and an ill-timed eastern bloc trade exhibition .
4 This may , of course , have been a retrospective opinion that was at least tinged with 25 years ' subsequent experience and challenged , both before and after , the worldwide definitions of the late 1940s which seemed to require that the Vietminh should have been put into either one of two boxes , nationalist or communist , but not both .
5 Claudia had gone away with him , and to Myra 's romantic mind it must have been a foregone conclusion that they would become lovers and live happily ever after .
6 Er where would with er would 've been a front room that was another house .
7 It is arguable , with some hope of success , that we can speak of a choice or a decision as an effect and not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance which was required for it , and speak of an action as an effect and need not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance that was — roughly speaking — prior in time to the agent 's initial neurophysiological activity .
8 Accordingly , there has been a gradual realization that the endeavour should advance over a broader field rather than trying to seek a ‘ universal ’ method ( Dearden , 1981 ) , that subjective methods are probably more cost-effective ( Price , 1976 ) , that any method should include room for different tastes ( Jacques , 1980 ) , and that much could be learnt from the approach of experts in the area of aesthetic and artistic judgement ( Carlson , 1977 ) .
9 ‘ It 's been a terrible shame that he 's been out so long , but I have no doubt he will get back to how he was .
10 There had been a strong possibility that the Newleys would have turned the security locks as well .
11 There has been a strong hint that this will be the last competitive Masters for Arnold Palmer , 63 , and it could be the last time we see the jaunty 90-year-old Gene Sarazen , and Sam Snead , 80 in May , lead off the event with a ceremonial nine holes .
12 In the first decades of occupation it was now evident that far too much effort had been concentrated on the stabilization of the Province in purely military terms and too little attention paid to the feelings and aspirations of the Britons , except through the few carefully selected agents , and there had been a tacit acceptance that the rest would come to accept Rome .
13 In the first few years of the informal concordat under the RAC , there appears to have been a tacit agreement that in Cambridgeshire the WEA attempted to provide few courses , largely it is thought because of its financial problems .
14 There has often been a tacit assumption that these antagonists produce antibiotic metabolites and indeed , during one of the earliest metabolite searches , patulin ( 1 ) was detected as an antibiotic metabolite of Penicillium urticae , Aspergillus clavatus and A. terreus .
15 But , had the changes introduced by the Courts Act 1971 not been in place , there would have been a real possibility that the old system would have collapsed under the strain .
16 There has always been a lingering suspicion that BSL is a very difficult language to learn once beyond a few preliminary signs .
17 It had been a well-known fact that their last medical officer had spent little time studying new methods of health and safety and accident prevention and there had been an ever-present air of friction between himself and Ron Banks .
18 Indeed , there has been a widespread belief that this is true : in November 1982 a former Green Beret colonel , James B. Gritz , financed by the actors Clint Eastwood and William ( ‘ Captain Kirk ’ ) Shatner , led an attempt to locate and free American POWs , but was apprehended by a Laotian army border patrol .
19 Throughout the year there has been a growing realisation that Scotland 's future economic prospects will be influenced to a substantial degree by the economic and political realignment which is taking place in Continental Europe .
20 Over recent years there has been a growing realization that the development of communicative competence is crucially a methodological matter , but we also need a rationale in support of such a shift of focus .
21 Reimers said : ‘ In university laboratories there has been a growing concern that desire for proprietary know-how or rights may stifle the open communication of scientists , particularly between scientists who have involvement with different companies ’ .
22 But from the early 1980s there has been a growing feeling that policy and practice were beginning to diverge .
23 There has also been a growing recognition that MPs need help to enable them to carry out their duties effectively .
24 3.3 It has been a recurrent presumption that the attributive position is in some sense or other a disguised form of the predicative position .
25 stories because they are encouraging it does make us feel that even though we are a small denomination that does not stop us from preventing new ideas which we can share and in which we can learn from each other .
26 According to the rules dukes and ex-duchesses are a better topic that baronets
27 His words are a sober reminder that rebellion against God does not begin with the clenched fist of atheism but with the self-satisfied heart of the one for whom ‘ thank you ’ is redundant .
28 Mine are a new style that 's a wider and more practical fit on the calves .
29 We are a great movement that wants to help real people living on this earth at the present time .
30 Arab-Americans are a national resource that needs to be utilised . ’
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