Example sentences of "[be] of much [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm afraid I have n't been of much help to you , Mr Millet . ’
2 In abandoning the sutures as a method of ageing , few features of the skull except the dentition are of much use for our purpose .
3 He took a pristine white handkerchief out of his pocket and rubbed at the faint hand-print Kenneth had left on the glass partition as he said , ‘ These passivation glasses are of much use in the semi-conductor industry , and we have high hopes that with the burgeoning of the Scottish computer industry Silicon Glen as it is sometimes jocularly called — we shall shortly be supplying … ’
4 With less than an hour of daylight remaining , he carried a flashlight — not that it would be of much help with the rain cascading down as if the Maya Rain God had corralled every raincloud in Central America and pulled the plugs out .
5 The FCC 's cleverly contrived technical contest may have helped accelerate the move to digital broadcasting , but that may not be of much help to the terrestrial TV broadcasters it had hoped to escort into the digital age , nor give much of an edge to American equipment makers .
6 It would not be of much help to him , and it would alert any intruder that he was on his way .
7 ‘ Tony , ’ he said , ‘ I do n't think I can be of much help to you .
8 I do n't think you can be of much help to me , Doctor .
9 Japan could be of much importance in the event of war and it might be feasible for the Japanese to fight for the United States after a war had begun .
10 Secretion of bile is not usually considered to be of much importance in this response since the gall bladder procides a mechanism for rapid delivery of bile into the duodenum at mealtime .
11 The domestic arrangements of an elderly bachelor like myself can not be of much interest to anyone .
12 In any case , as we shall see in Chapter 8 , strengths very greatly in excess of I per cent of the Young 's modulus may not be of much interest in practical engineering .
13 Although baby universes may not be of much use for space travel , they have important implications for our attempt to find a complete unified theory that will describe everything in the universe .
14 In either case , it would not be of much use as a source of heat and light for life on Earth .
15 Modern penitentials wo n't be of much use to future historians of the twentieth century , but eleventh-century penitentials might be , rich as they are in the prejudices of our enlightened age — particularly the inferior status of women .
16 I see only two men , and a bridge too low yet to be of much use to anyone .
17 This was really unnecessary , since a body would have been far too decomposed after eight to ten days to be of much use to any medical school .
18 Conversely , psychology itself has been in no shape to deliver the goods it promised : if educationists were atheoretical , psychologists for their part were producing theories which were too crude to be of much use to educational researchers .
19 He learned nothing that would be of much use to Lorton .
20 It is important to make the correct diagnosis , for fungal treatments are unlikely to be of much use against bacteria and vice versa .
21 In opposition to centrally imposed ‘ local economic strategies ’ , these initiatives of the left explicitly recognize that what is appropriate in one place , may not be of much use in another .
22 A planning process which fails to accept this … is unlikely to be of much use in the realities of business life .
23 Well I , I do n't whether that 's of much interest to anybody .
24 Neither of these views is of much interest for brain scientists seeking suggestive computer models .
25 With grateful acknowledgement to Mr Birdwood , the first instalment of his talk is printed below , as the Heart of Wales Line is of much interest to this Society :
26 Neither exception is of much importance in the present context .
27 In any case , neither the Germanic nor the Slavonic mode of production was of much significance for Marx 's and Engels 's later work , and the same is true for most Marxist studies .
28 They found that neither the new port at Gdynia nor Free City status was of much use to them .
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