Example sentences of "[be] the [noun sg] [prep] it " in BNC.

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1 Yes I am the outcome of it all is that she 's waiting on the wall , getting piles and I 'm going to go down the shop with her .
2 Pericles ' position is ( almost everywhere : see p. 126 on finance ) described by Thucydides as if his authority depended solely on charismatic qualities of leadership , but this can not have been the whole of it .
3 He was there once more as she turned into the staff car park as again she recalled that ‘ blunt ’ had n't been the word for it !
4 As you know there have been the history of it is , is well known to most commissioners I 'm sure , there have been m there has been more than one attempt in the recent , in the last decade to bring something to the assembly er along these lines .
5 The exhibition was opened on 1 August by Dr Finlay MacLeod , whose enthusiasm for Hebridean maps had been the inspiration behind it , and by the time the exhibition closed on 31 October it had proved to be the most successful exhibition ever mounted by the Library , with an attendance of over 20,000 visitors .
6 However , many clients were supported by the scheme , and it is only through comparison with the control sample that one can determine whether or not the project was successful in sustaining them at home for a longer period of time than would have been the case without it .
7 And that , presumably , had been the beginning of it .
8 But whatever Neil 's reasons , the ring had been the start of it .
9 The first night after the cocktail party had been the start of it all .
10 What had been the point of it all ?
11 That should have been the end of it .
12 He got rid of me and that should have been the end of it .
13 As Michael Gordon explained in these pages two decades ago : ‘ If all Blake had offered was a framework , that would have been the end of it .
14 The Session would not agree to the time ; and that seems to have been the end of it .
15 If Carson had been predictably agreeable and obviously interested she would have accepted the lift and that , apart perhaps from the promise of a follow-up lunch some time , would have been the end of it .
16 That would not have been the end of it , but it would have put off the worst , and Tutilo seldom looks beyond the day .
17 That should have been the end of it but it most certainly was not .
18 She watched her mother and daughter talking together and felt a deep hurt , as if she had somehow been the cause of it all .
19 A large gloomy bedroom had been the setting of it , hung with draperies , not the kind of thing you would expect a child to sleep in , but it was a little child that lay on the bed , white and still , the elderly man , evidently a doctor , who had seemingly just lifted a looking glass from the parted lips , turning to the young father and imparting the news of death , while the mother in a transport of grief clung to her husband , her head buried in his shoulder .
20 ‘ The SAS could n't have happened in Newquay because there just would n't have been the community behind it , ’ believes Chris Hines , a Leo Sayer look-a-like ( he claims it 's more Lou Reed ) , a long-time Badlands surfer and the founder and general secretary of the SAS campaign .
21 Erm what 's the , what are the physics of it ?
22 Erm I think the , the thing about it , which I th the good points about it th are the light on it , the light on the water here , the light on the waves here , and even on this one and also , I think , the choice of mount is very good , that you know , to choose the blue , it may be a bit obvious but I mean I , you 'd be surprised what some people do with their mounts .
23 With charming naivety , they do not imagine that they themselves are the source of it : they behave as they do when they see a frightened horse , becoming agitated and desirous of flight .
24 Now I decided , cos I 'm the director of it , that we finish this year .
25 I always wanted to introduce you but there never seemed to be the chance of it .
26 So I would prefer to let you be the judge of it as it stands today .
27 But I , I mean I use it as a , that may be the psychology behind it , but I use it as a bad example of , for obvious reasons , and there 's a real bad example , and there may be some politics behind it , there 's What I think is a good example : ‘ Southeast Arts ’ sorry , ‘ Southeast Tourist Board , South of England Board . ’
28 What I 'd like to do is to help them to see that they do n't need to give up on the computer , that they can actually be the master of it , although of course I do n't I 'm not suggesting that they become programmers — that would be to abdicate their function in another way — but certainly they can understand it , and I think of course it keeps coming back to this issue over and over again , an issue about education .
29 There is , however , something of a quantitative scale whereby the more important to us a particular belief may be , the more subtle and even ambiguous will be the evidence for it .
30 You would still have to save and retrieve the file to create the memory , but yes , that woul would be the idea of it .
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