Example sentences of "[be] the [noun] that [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well , is , is he saying that these are the , these are the things that our religion needs in order to , to be a strong religion , I mean it , she said you know something that I found interesting was what Maska Reece has said about erm the ability of the minority to , to sort of overcome repression
2 An association between two variables does not infer causality and if one feature is associated with better glycaemic control it may not be the case that its widespread introduction will improve control .
3 There will always be the possibility that his spontaneous preferences will change with wider information or finer perceptiveness , and to retreat from awareness in order to cling to a highly-valued end will be one of the great offences against ‘ Be aware ’ .
4 it may be the fact that their eyesight is altering in their old age .
5 These formed far and away the largest group in the population of Europe , and it is the evidence that their numbers were expanding rapidly which offers the most substantial proof that the population of western Christendom as a whole was rising at this time .
6 This is the pencil that his kindergarten teacher possessed ; the pencil that made the blue ticks and the red crosses in the register ; the pencil that he wept for , that his mother went all over town to find , and failed to find , because they were all gone , or not made any more , or kept for teachers , or only imagined ; the pencil which he knew would make him happy , if only he possessed it , for evermore .
7 It is the way that our feelings tell us that they have got too much to cope with at the same time and they need some help — in the jargon this is called needing some ‘ ventilation ’ .
8 What Mr Patten objects to is the way that his supporters are supposed to have promoted him as ’ the local candidate ’ …
9 But what , I think we do need to have is quite a a a a a we 've not a no solution body who would agree with me , er you know , some of the things that have gone on within the er er agricultural industry in terms of gang masters , which is if if surely if if if we had been more clearly defined if would enforce probably the whole industry into disrepute , and I feel that we do need a a a a a a a framework , with a with a supply into Europe , because in the end we will not just be competing against other European countries we will be competing against the third world and some producers that are producing very different situations , so , I I think er , and and I 'm concerned that it is the , it is that delegation , and it is the interpretation that our own government will put on it , because there 's been so much mythology surrounding Europe .
10 There is one feature that is included in the local government list of characteristics that may be unique to the public sector and that is the requirement that our public sector officials have political sensitivity .
11 And what he enjoys even more is the knowledge that their affection is based upon patronizing him from what they take to be their greater radicalism ; while in fact , under the surface , he is more radical than they will ever be .
12 By the time that Key Stage 4 of history is introduced in 1994 with the first reported assessment in 1996 there is the possibility that its position as one of the main elements providing balance and breadth will be undermined by lack of an adequate number of hours for teaching the subject .
13 Ultimately it is the development that your competitors will make that will give you the opportunity — or the problem .
14 There is the hope that their ability to delve deeply and acquire information would enable them to hold ministers and government to proper account .
15 It did not matter whether they had been far-sighted landowners , former artisans or merchants in feudal society ; what is crucial for Marxists is the belief that their ownership of the new and increasingly predominant mode of production led them to have common interests and goals .
16 It is the belief that his work is making a difference to these people despite their appaling conditions that makes Neil MacDonald feel that his work for Oxfam is worthwhile .
17 The new edition is even larger than the last and runs to 925 pages , partly because of some repetition ; for example , the full name of the privy Council is given twice on the same page as is the statement that its jurisdiction extends only to Great Britain .
18 This is the shop that your friends and relations will go to buy you a present .
19 What the diffident schoolboy has lost is the confidence that his beliefs are tracking the truth ; he takes it that , although he does believe that p , it is at least as probable that he is wrong as that he is right .
20 We are forced to perceive early Anglo-Saxon society through those durable artefacts which have survived , whose functions and meanings are often poorly understood , and there is the danger that our image of the society is seriously distorted .
21 Implicit in this emotional narrative is the assumption that their academic success of the time would serve as the platform for future literary achievements , and would lead inevitably to public recognition of their undoubted talents .
22 And of course what you really get from your membership is the satisfaction that your money and your support are going towards bird protection : that the RSPB will be putting its money where its mouth is .
23 If the death penalty did deter , then so distinctive and so dramatic is the sanction that its effect ought also to be too marked to overlook or dispute .
24 One common feature of professions is the claim that their services are more than business transactions and that this aspect of the delivery of professional services justifies in the public interest monopolies that would not be acceptable in the ordinary industrial and commercial arena .
25 The soirée seems to be the setting for mere social chit-chat and the group includes breezy social climbers , demure maidens and worried intellectuals but what binds them together , apart from their social exclusivity , is the fear that their class is under threat .
26 As for Mr we 're out of recession are we ? well if that 's an excuse for saying let's close homes well , I think that 's a a terrible shame , all he , the certainty that he wants to offer to our elderly people is the certainty that their home will close and they 'll be thrown out of it .
27 It is the house that your father lived in for fifteen years .
28 just one question that I was n't able to put on the Committee 's behalf , but I think it is something that we would be very grateful for a short written comment and that is the information that your members , that the members of the pension funds actually er rather than your annual members as well in that context actually receive annually and whether you feel that is satisfactory .
29 There is the fact that her therapy was interrupted by fortuitous circumstances .
30 I , I , I feel that erm a bit like yourself , what I object is the fact that its again we use
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