Example sentences of "[be] the [noun] [pers pn] has " in BNC.

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1 A feature of the role has been the opportunity it has provided for closer liaison between the Catholic Education Commission and the Department of Education .
2 One of the particularly tragic consequences of the war has been the way it has distracted attention from events in the USSR and Eastern Europe , just when it was needed most .
3 Many are the times he has held up busy working schedules because he has become fascinated by someone he has encountered in a crowd .
4 There are many , priests too , who would wipe out in a day all the familiar things about Mother Church that endear her to us all , even the precepts and practices that are the reason she has survived for all these nineteen hundred years .
5 We believe this is may be the reason it has failed , so far , to construct a politically credible strategy for environmental education , though there are signs this is now beginning to come together .
6 The real innovation of Thatcherism is the way it has linked traditional Conservative concern with the basis of authority in social institutions and the importance of internal order and external security , with a new emphasis upon free market exchange and the principles of the market order .
7 That is the way he conducts his business and that is the way it has been for centuries . ’
8 One of Scottish football 's greatest achievements is the way it has turned virtue on its head .
9 That is the way it has to be . ’
10 In an overconstrained situation , if the analysis indicates that there is only one way to produce a successful product , that is the way it has to be made .
11 ‘ Which has given me time to realise that the way I 've outlined is the way it has to be .
12 Yet one of Carreras 's most attractive features , apart from the splendour of his singing , is the way he has managed to avoid any disingenuous taint of backing modestly into the limelight .
13 One reason for Ward 's success is the way he has promoted his products .
14 The role of advertising within the marketing mix is the part it has to play in the marketing strategy .
15 Not only is the seat he has held for the past 15 years , in the Yvelines to the west of Paris , now under serious threat , but so too is the whole political future and his dream of a new social democratic movement .
16 What impresses me in Messner is the combination he has of immense boldness and analytical power .
17 Human Touch is the album he has been working on for several years and Lucky Town a set of songs he quickly wrote and recorded at home recently , and though the tone of the two records does n't differ that much , the second set of songs are far better .
18 Where the husband goes so far as to cause injury , there are available a number of offences against the person with which he may be charged , but the gravamen of the husband 's conduct is the injury he has caused not the sexual intercourse he has forced . ’
19 That is the figure it has come up with , based on a survey of chief executives .
20 The practical advantage of experience is the effect it has on confidence .
21 Thus the function of the family is the effect it has on other parts of the social structure and on society as a whole .
22 If you read more history instead of newspapers , my boy , you 'd realise that 's the way it has always been . ’
23 ‘ I 'm sorry , but that 's the way it has to be . ’
24 That 's the way it has to be .
25 That 's the difference it has made to me .
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