Example sentences of "[be] really [verb] my [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Cos I do n't , I mean I might be really putting my foot in it but I do n't think Foxy likes him that much and he said that he 's basically he 's a it is his bark mu his bark is much worse than his bite .
2 ‘ I 'm really enjoying my game at the moment , because it 's been a top end to the season for us , ’ he enthused .
3 He 's really made my life different , this little dog .
4 It 's really made my day , to discover that there 's someone in the world who still does n't know who the seven major shareholders in GEC , Westinghouse , Con Edison , NBC , and CBS are ! ’
5 I was really enjoying my running , but part of that enjoyment was in beating people who I knew trained hard , people like Phil Brown and Mike Powell .
6 It was late at night and I decided , I was just sort of talking I 'd say , I ca n't get rid of this headache , and I do n't know what I 'm gon na do , I do n't whether I should just not worry about it cos I 'm not that old , and I was really pouring my heart out to him , and he turns round and he says , yeah , you need a new clutch you really need a new clutch .
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