Example sentences of "[be] try do be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And I think what we 're trying to do is to see that we 're being treated fairly just as we might listen to that person 's argument as well .
2 So what we 're trying to do is ensure the service is delivered as the purchasing agencies require .
3 But we hope so , but I do n't I 'm not facetious enough to think that I can change a personality in a person , but what we 're trying to do is make him feel a loving and a commitment , that we are providing him with the best we can .
4 And what we 're trying to do is to give him this family feeling that everybody behind here , the whole team , every single worker is rooting for him and making sure that he has the best .
5 and what we 're trying to do is plough whatever we get back into the group
6 do n't let's , do n't let's try and assume the , all we 're , all we 're trying to do is to gather together the bit that we can put into the pot , and to present it in a logical fashion , to say , if this , then we belief that , and if that , then we believe the other ,
7 Well presumably with , what we 're trying to do is create some sort of alternative family units , we do n't want , although , er , laudable what the youth service does , is , we would n't want , if they do n't want to plugged , clubbable together , if , if , if , if the , the unit could provide that , or provide alternatives to pick up the , the correlation between that and , and ordinary normal family unit , I would hope that that would have been the best way forward , erm , er , because often some youngsters are in this situation because they , they have n't found the , that sort of provision has been helpful for them .
8 What they 're ac what they 're trying to do is coordinate enough local parties with the same poster that they can make a block booking I would have thought .
9 So in terms of equality of access to service , just like I was talking about with elderly people , people with families do n't have an equality of access and what we 're trying to do is build up in those other areas those services .
10 What you 're trying to do is indicate to them how best you might be able to work your way through those controversies to be able to make some statement of policy or some recommendation and the like … .
11 It 's grown up like topsy , and what we 're trying to do is to equalize that .
12 Erm , the point perhaps of , of , of the thing is , it 's called the Team Focus , and hopefully for that very reason what we 're trying to do is to look at the way in which you can improve your performance together if you like , erm , and it would be very interesting to see what Jack and Linda can contribute to this in that , people who 've worked together for sort of six or seven years , erm , ought to be able to show us something .
13 What we 're trying to do is get it , reasonably up to date , and these are of course then , photographs for the album as well .
14 So what we 're trying to do is get a picture of , okay , what 's our , our best guess scenario , what the whole year 's gon na look like .
15 What we 're trying to do is say look , you are senior people in this company because although you 've only been here a short period of time , but you 're still very senior people .
16 ‘ What we 're trying to do is have a piece of research that is so novel and is so placeable within industry that they ca n't really say no .
17 The are too few beds in the Health Service , whether we like it or whether we do n't and what they 're trying to do is force people to use the private sector .
18 What we 're trying to do is to write cricket bats , so that when we throw up an idea and give it a little knock , it might … travel …
19 No , it 's entirely anonymous all they 're trying to do is find out how people speak .
20 So what we 're trying to do is approach this in a professional way , and we 're drawing on the national and the international experience and working together with Social Services to try and determine a sensible policy .
21 Er our distribution system has got great press recently and it 's regarded as one of the three best distribution systems in the U K. One of the things we 're trying to do is to pay less for our books , it 's very easy to pay very very fancy prices for , for er mid-range authors and for them not to earn out , so we 're looking for much cheaper books .
22 On a technical basis sooner than later , and what you 're trying to do is to understand the design and development process
23 What we 're trying to do is to provide not only a stadium but something that everybody will want to use .
24 This , we 're all agreed that it 's a marketing exercise and what we 're trying to do is to get across to our clients , what we have to offer to them .
25 I mean if you , you 're the burglar now and you 're planning to break in a house , and you 're looking around at the different houses and you 're trying to , one of the many things you 're trying to do is to establish whether they 're in or out .
26 Yeah , it 's just pure coincidence , it 's just the way that trotting around , I think what we 're trying to do was to say , something wrong in exam book , plus , plus , which is not liked , but , I do n't think they are the alike .
27 What I 'm trying to do is trying to get it the way it will be in an exam so , cos in an exam you 're
28 Gedge told The Legend ! in an NME interview in April 1986 : ‘ When we play live I can sometimes come across as glib or arrogant and find that people take exception to what I say when all I 'm trying to do is talk to the audience . ’
29 What I 'm trying to do is chair a meeting and to prevent what happening what 's just happened when people start jumping up and shouting I do n't think that 's productive ways to chair any meeting or allow that to happen .
30 All I 'm trying to do is to establish where your father 's Datsun was on that night , and then stop wasting your time . ’
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