Example sentences of "[be] over [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , you 've certainly scored a winner this month , folks , I hope you 're over the moon about it !
2 They 're over the river by this time , and so should I have been if you had not come so prompt to your hour .
3 ‘ Does n't matter if they 're still at school , as long as they 're over the age of consent and on the Pill .
4 We recruit new customers once they 're over the age of 16 .
5 I 'm over the top on that budget as it is . ’
6 Wilkinson headed north with Sellars , managing director Bill Fotherby and secretary Nigel Pleasants and said : ‘ I 'm over the moon with the outcome and delighted with the fairness of the English judicial system . ’
7 There looked to be over a pound of the delicious , translucent sweets the bag was bursting , spilling over so that a dozen or more lay scattered on the dusty floor , gleaming like diamonds through the wrappers .
8 Her clients would be over the moon at the accommodation in this particular hotel .
9 Surely it does n't require a degree in sociology to realise that people who invest their hard-earned cash in a quality house in a quality development are not going to be over the moon at having that kind of to-ing and fro-ing take place outside their front gates ? ’
10 Surely I should be over the field in no time .
11 Equation ( 7.6 ) assumes that we know what the UK and US inflation rates will be over the course of the year .
12 When he was in the dining room she would be in the dairy ; when he wandered out to look at the home fields she would be over the lake by Burtness Wood ; when he made his way to the wood she would retreat up the fell and it was pointless , he rightly guessed , as well as being too open to comment , to pursue her onto the tops .
13 Up until the Seventies conventional playing of the spinners dictated that the batsman should be over the ball by dint of footwork or the bat smothering the spin by being in front of the front pad .
14 1 The centre cross of your protractor has to be over the corner of the angle .
15 Returning through Bologna he passed various tests for membership of the Accademia Filarmonica and was awarded a diploma , the conditions of entry , stipulating that members must be over the age of 20 , having been waived on this occasion .
16 You do NOT need to have had any previous experience of working with mentally handicapped people as training is given , but you do have to be over the age of 21 .
17 Helpers must be over the age of twenty-one .
18 Rendezvous point was to be over the island of Euboea .
19 Repayment loans — customers pay fixed monthly repayments based on what the Finance House expects the market interest rate to be over the period of the loan , and at regular interval or the end of the loan , the difference between actual and estimated interest rates is calculated , and the difference is paid or received by the customer .
20 On other occasions the product to be launched is considered to be over the limit of what can be given away and one creative idea which has now been taken up by quite a number of manufacturers is to raffle a small number of the items or to organise an amusing competition which journalists attending the launch are invited to enter .
21 In many of the large catchments to which the DoE refers , impact of nitrate may now be over the limit for only a week each year , but in future it may be for two weeks , then three , then a month or more : when does the UK propose to take action ?
22 Withdrawal should be over an period of time to allow the Northern Irish time to establish a new form of government .
23 ‘ Do you think I have n't been over every inch of that argument a million times ?
24 No , it 's been , it 's been over a period of two or three years ?
25 The greatest controversy has been over the question of assessment and testing .
26 He ought to have been over the moon at her suggestion that she leave him , but instead it seemed to have made him angry .
27 If there have beeb question marks in the past over Saucony shoes , it 's been over the durability of the midsoles in some of the older models .
28 It can only be surmised that the Marquis was feeling pretty flush after a good win when he made that entry into his accounts , or the caddie was a highly favoured young man indeed , for four shillings at that time would have been over the top on the percentages that a caddie can expect from his round nowadays .
29 I 'd been over the pub at dinnertime .
30 The real conflict has been over the development of industrial land for retail purposes .
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