Example sentences of "[be] know of [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Little is known of her education ; however , she was certainly precocious .
2 We know that Wilson married , for his wife Mary helped him and continued the business for a time after his death , but nothing is known of her origins or ultimate fate .
3 Yet despite this , relatively little is known of its pathogenesis in the vast majority of sporadic cases .
4 Nothing is known of its activities , but Vikings normally maintained themselves by raiding the country within a wide range of their base .
5 Nothing is known of its origins but it is engraved ‘ Reading 1892 ’ .
6 Newbridge , for instance , is now only a farm near Pulborough , and very little is known of its foundation .
7 Little is known of its pathogenicity although a chronic gastritis has been reported in the pig .
8 The duchess apart , little is known of their lives or even what their connection was with this village , but they should have left us £3,000 a year in charities .
9 Those Illyrians who did not assimilate probably moved to the less hospitable mountainous areas , but little is known of their fate .
10 Little is known of their courtship but it is said that , for a brief time , they were happy .
11 Nothing is known of their breeding habits , but females are believed to be more robust than males .
12 Nothing is known of their breeding habits .
13 Of hundreds recorded from the air , only a very few have been visited even briefly by sledging parties , and little is known of their biology .
14 Though the periantarctic islands are well endowed with ponds , lakes and streams , comparatively little is known of their biology .
15 Though many polar invertebrate species appear to be endemic , very little is known of their biology : the liveliest , most prominent and most numerous elements are the arthropods , and these have provided most of what is known on adaptations and ways of life in terrestrial and freshwater environments .
16 lt is remarkable that despite these low numbers of species , little is known of their biology and one , the sebastiao-de-arruda , a well-known timber export from Brazil since the last century , has only lately ( 1978 ) been botanically identified and given a Latin name : Dalbergia decipularis ( Leguminosae ) .
17 His father , according to Anthony Wood , was a shoemaker of Hereford , but nothing further is known of his parents , or of the date and place of his birth .
18 The title of master was accorded him , but nothing is known of his education .
19 Nothing is known of his education except that he did not lay claim to any degree .
20 Nothing is known of his education , but he was returned to the Parliament of 1539 for an unknown constituency , possibly at a by-election during the shrievalty of his father , himself a knight of the shire for Surrey .
21 Nothing is known of his education and early years .
22 Nothing is known of his education and early life , but on 17 February 1826 he received his first certificate of suitability for a post in the excise service .
23 Nothing is known of his education or early years beyond the fact that from 1815 to 1817 he served as an ensign in the 27th Foot and subsequently in the 91st Foot , from which he was obliged to retire on account of ill health in 1821 .
24 What is known of his life comes mainly from a memorial sermon preached by his friend and successor as bishop , George Rust , and from his own books .
25 Nothing is known of his life until he went to India .
26 , George ( 1631–1711 ) , chemist , lacked , by his own account , ‘ the great blessings of academical education ’ , save what he had ‘ fetched out of the fire ’ in his laboratory , and virtually nothing is known of his origins .
27 Nothing else is known of his origins , except that he was born in Cornwall , probably near Plymouth .
28 Little is known of his activities there , but he seems to have resumed the preaching of similar views and to have been forced to leave the town .
29 Little is known of his childhood , though it is said he developed a talent for drawing at an early age .
30 Nothing is known of his parentage or birth and very little of his life .
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