Example sentences of "[be] make [prep] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Panic throbbed through my body and , if I had n't been made of sterner stuff , I would have dug spurs into my horse and galloped as fast as I could back to Ipswich .
2 So many exceptions had been made to earlier Navigation Acts by royal licence that it had sometimes looked as if they were intended to raise revenue rather than to direct trade , and in the 1660s there had been a few signs that the legislation which Charles had inherited from the Republic and had then extended might still be treated in the same way .
3 This policy posed a general problem for the National WEA , which lacked a clear view on its partnership with other providers , and was an especially acute one for the District where important concessions had been made in earlier years to the Cambridge Board .
4 The drawing-room was full of rugs that looked upsettingly as if they had been made from earlier Afghans .
5 And that whereas the earth 's actual mantle , which appears on the ocean floor , consists of heavy rocks — predominantly silicon and magnesium ( sima ) — the continents are made of lighter material : igneous rocks and crystalline schists ( sial ) .
6 The female characters , too , are made of sterner stuff than the quick-witted schemers of Figaro .
7 Where possible comparisons are made with older countries , especially those of western Europe , as this enables us to identify the uniqueness ( or otherwise ) of the trends observed in Britain .
8 The school is the springboard for sport and , even if commitments are made in later years , early involvement and subsequent progress are important in launching an interest .
9 Reference will be made to fuller reviews at appropriate points in the text .
10 Somewhat anomalously , reference may even be made to later statutes , to see the meaning that Parliament puts on the same words in a similar context .
11 Miller was conscious of economy and recognised that from an aesthetic viewpoint the Duke must be gratified , but felt that good use could be made of cheaper material elsewhere .
12 But Venables had promised that his men would be made of sterner stuff this time , and their first-half guile and style foiled Tranmere 's honest endeavours .
13 But the Kuwaiti royal family appears to be made of sterner stuff .
14 The visitors seem to be made of sterner stuff .
15 Without denigrating the work of the Coordinating Team , it is the evaluators ' belief that decisions will be made on better grounds than they have been if something like this proposal becomes a reality .
16 However , having heard argument , I am satisfied that the order of Saville J. was provisional only and was subject to any further order that might be made on further material being placed before the court .
17 The almost exclusive concentration on the formal political process has been replaced by accounts that take in crucial determinants outside this sphere , and which are placed in an explanatory framework that allows links to be made with wider sets of social relations .
18 The point concerning 11a can be made with greater force in respect of 12a , which can also be rendered normal by changing either a closed set item ( 12b ) or an open set item ( 12c ) .
19 A variety of improved " implantable " devices like the newer types of pacemakers allow sensitive monitoring of essential functions to take place and adjustments to be made without further surgery .
20 Because the spirit of this new age was fundamentally materialistic , scientific invention focussed on reducing the labour needed to produce a given article so it could be made in greater quantity and at less cost .
21 Landings could be made in dimmer evening lights .
22 If to be made in larger quantities and stored , seal the little pots with a layer of clarified butter , melted and poured over the chilled paste .
23 Fewer rivets were needed because rolled iron sheets could be made in larger sizes .
24 But when the ways of making a living that are open to small organisms have all been filled , there are still prosperous livings to be made by larger organisms .
25 There is also a tendency to pause in a pose at the end of a phrase and for a deliberate change to be made before further dance .
26 ‘ I 'm made of sterner stuff than that .
27 A minor road skirts its western base but a direct climb from it is ruled out by unremitting steepness and a barrier of rocky buttresses , the ascent usually being made over gentler ground from the north .
28 It would therefore report the progress being made with earlier commitments — from international agreements and from the UK 's Environment White Paper process .
29 When progress is being made to finer handwriting tasks , a black-coloured ball pen is usually the best choice .
30 Riding on the back of this successful ‘ First ’ , plans are now being made for further courses in 1992 .
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