Example sentences of "[be] now say [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Rough Trade , for instance , had to dip into the piggy bank to move into the American market , where they 're now said to be pulling out .
2 Let us hope that the Danes will vote ‘ No ’ in their referendum on June 2 , thus forcing all members to renegotiate the treaty , as many of them are now said to be having second thoughts of their own .
3 However , its founders , Larry and Doug Michels , are now said to be reluctant because the future is uncertain — it 's a heck of a time to have to start posting quarterly reports .
4 Other US nuclear plants are now said to be studying their fuel pool cooling .
5 Voters were now said to be more worried about ‘ poor public services ’ than they were about high taxes .
6 Already linked with top Italian clubs Roma and Juventus , Platt is now said to be booked for a £5.7 million summer move to Napoli .
7 Financial details were not revealed , but IBM is now said to be ‘ one of the two largest investors ’ in the privately held firm .
8 The Stedelijk 's Barnett Newman , worth DFl. 5.4 million just before it was vandalised in 1986 , is now said to be worthless .
9 Intuition is now said to be ‘ feminine ’ , and is opposed to logic ( which is thereby ‘ masculine ’ ) .
10 Since it joined in 1980 Japan has listed only four sites for protection and one of these , Lake Utonai on the northern island of Hokkaido , is now said to be threatened by secret plans to build a 40-kilometre flood control canal .
11 Mrs Lenihan , who suffers from dementia is now said to be comfortable in hospital in Oxford .
12 For council staff , already weary from last years round of cuts , moral is now said to be at an all time low .
13 England midfielder Platt , already linked with Roma and Juventus , is now said to be booked for a £5.7m summer move to Napoli .
14 Meanwhile , Germany 's employer , trade and industry associations said they had formed a committee to fight xenophobia , which is now said to be putting off foreigners from investing in the country 's impoverished East .
15 Mr Sam 's now said to be seriously ill , but stable in hospital after two operations .
16 This is , of course , titillating information for its readers , but we need to remember that this woman was now said to be happily married ; her child would now be aged 10 and could be quite aware of a trial which was getting widespread coverage in the popular newspapers .
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