Example sentences of "[be] no [noun] that [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 But there has been no suggestion that from this point of view credit scoring is less satisfactory than individual assessment .
2 As the track crosses the depression on its way to Bullpot Farm and the wonderland of Ease Gill , there are no indications that below the surface at this point is the extensive and intricate network of Aygill Caverns .
3 There can be no doubt that over the whole range covered by these attempted distinctions there are substantial differences of immediacy and perception of use and need .
4 But there can be no doubt that for the discovery of certain parts of truth the wicked and unhappy are in a more favourable position and are more likely to succeed ; not to mention the wicked who are happy — a species about whom the moralists are silent …
5 There can be no doubt that for many women fear of loss is built into us by the way we 've been reared .
6 There could be no doubt that for a man on foot this was the quickest way from Riddle 's house to Jordan 's farm .
7 Reagan remained a major trade union leader in the film industry until 1960 and there can be no doubt that during this phase of his career he gained much experience relevant to his later career in politics .
8 There can be no doubt that on Sheet 145 of the Ordnance Survey , with which we are immediately concerned , there are by-roads which will prove eventually to be Romano-British in origin .
9 ( b ) There can be no doubt that as a result of the Boer War the 20th century in England , opened in a sense of national doubt .
10 While idealization of , or sentimentality about , the way of life of primitive peoples must be avoided , there seems to be no doubt that among the Siberian peoples in their original state a certain harmony with nature existed , if only as a reflection of the unavoidable conditions in which they lived .
11 There can be no doubt that in many African states this status has been consciously sought by leaders who have promoted it through the nature of their public appearances and prestige investments .
12 There can be no doubt that in the 112 years it has been standing on the embankment it has become a part of the London scene .
13 There can be no doubt that in the early years of the twentieth century the use of revolvers was widespread among adult mobsters in London 's criminal underworld , and that feuds between rival outfits were not uncommonly settled by gun battles in the open streets .
14 In our view , particularly because of the extravagant results that have arisen in some cases by applying the literal rule , there can be no doubt that in the modern context the object and intent rule is much fairer .
15 There can be no doubt that by cooperation and good management policies , this pressure can be eased to soften its effect on any one land user .
16 There could be no doubt that by competing with the plaintiffs both as regards supplies and customers he had placed himself in a position in which there was a conflict of interest and duty .
17 Yet , in the longer term , there can be no doubt that within nuclear expansion , increased coal use and the resurrection of the synfuels programme resides the US 's only chance of reducing imported oil dependence , which will inexorably increase over the rest of the century .
18 There is no guarantee that by singing the words of a hymn we have participated any more fully than by giving silent attention to someone else doing so .
19 There is no question that in America , black tennis has suffered because of the lack of role models for youngsters to aspire to .
20 There is no doubt that to his contemporaries he seemed , for much of his reign , the outstanding example of a modern and enlightened ruler .
21 There is no doubt that on the traditional approach we are going to have difficulty in countering the arguments for scepticism about other minds .
22 Despite the social and economic restrictions experienced by carers , there is no doubt that for many people the emotional rewards of caring far outweigh the disadvantages .
23 There is no doubt that for the fathers the Devil is the Enemy , and on the whole most of them stress this even more than did St Paul himself .
24 Though the wider wrongs of intimidation and interference with trade by unlawful means may protect mere expectancies , there is no doubt that for the purposes of the tort we are now considering there must be interference with a subsisting contract between B and C. Hence if the contract allegedly broken proves to be void there is no tort .
25 There is no doubt that for very many Latin Americans it is a successful capitalist ( North American ) lifestyle that embodies their hopes and their aspirations , rather than a socialist society which , for all its economic and social advantages , entails restrictions and shortages .
26 To be fair , there is no doubt that with luck , commonsense and sensible advice many people have done very well out of privatisation shares .
27 This is generally supplied by top dressing with direct-feed artificials , and there is no doubt that with the right moisture and soil temperature , earlier and more prolific growth can thus be obtained .
28 There is no doubt that with closer spacing and dissonances in the lower parts the same note-groups could produce ugly results .
29 I am pleased that he mentioned coppicing and wood as a fuel , because there is no doubt that with the increasing amount of agricultural land at our disposal wood as a fuel , including coppicing , could be an important part of our renewable energy strategy in future .
30 Indeed , there is no doubt that with appropriate cueing subjects could have recalled considerably more information about many aspects of the drive .
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