Example sentences of "[be] think to [be] in " in BNC.

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1 However , several copies of the record are thought to be in circulation carrying the original Reception logo .
2 Set for the fourth quarter , prices are thought to be in the $200,000 range .
3 The company says it has a worldwide installed base of 160 systems , two thirds of which reside in Japan and at least 30 systems are thought to be in Europe .
4 According to US reports , Apple Computer Inc is planning to allow Macintosh users to upgrade their systems to RISC when the PowerPC begins shipping next year , and is negotiating with third parties to make upgrade boards available with from 50 MIPS to 100 MIPS performance depending on which version of the chip is used : prices are expected to start at $2,000 to $3,000 for Mac II users — a mid-range series of Apple PowerPC systems are thought to be in the works for next year withy prices starting at around $5,000 .
5 The activity posited by Brentano , secondly , is common not only to seeing and other perception , thinking in the sense of deliberating or judging , and also remembering , intending , and deciding , all of which are ordinarily thought to be in different ways active , but also pain and other sensations , dreaming , experiencing an emotion , and being subject to a mood , all of which are thought to be in different ways passive .
6 Although it is too early to assess the full effects , some of the rich shellfish and oyster beds offshore are thought to be in some danger .
7 Investigators are thought to be in possession of a tape recording of the alleged incident .
8 His attackers are thought to be in their 20s .
9 No German warships were thought to be in the immediate area and only some four squadrons of fighters and bombers — an estimated 37 planes — were flying from Herdia , Stavanger , and Trondheim .
10 Islington , Southwark , Camden and Hounslow were thought to be in the bag .
11 The bombings were thought to be in retaliation for the shooting by British soldiers in an undercover operation on Oct. 9 of IRA activists Desmond Grew and Martin McCaughey near Loughgall in south Armagh .
12 The arrests were thought to be in connection with a series of violent attacks .
13 Five paintings by a mass murderer , once withdrawn from auction because they were thought to be in bad taste , have been bought by a collector .
14 This artist 's impression is said to be a good likeness of the attacker who 's thought to be in his late 30s and has a pot belly .
15 Now the cost is thought to be in the range of $500m-1 billion a day .
16 Mr Kelsey , who is thought to be in his forties , was taken to hospital on Tuesday night with stab wounds to his chest and neck following an incident in Rosebank , Dovercourt .
17 The explanation for adult personality , in other words , is to be found in the individual 's first encounters with the world , at a time when he is thought to be in a highly impressionable state .
18 It has not been revealed how much money the Bulgers have been paid for the interview , but the figure is thought to be in the five-figure bracket .
19 Chatchai Ivory , who is nearly four , is thought to be in the London area with his mother , 28-year-old Janya Ivory .
20 The victim from Middlesbrough is thought to be in his early 20s and is being treated in the town 's general hospital .
21 As Sir Ronald Syme has pointed out , the Romans had a special veneration for authority , precedent , and tradition , and they greatly objected to change unless it was thought to be in accord with ancestral custom , which meant in practice the sentiments of the oldest living senators .
22 Kilburn had a charter dating from the reign of Charles II which was thought to be in the possession of a family who had the local pub , but they — and it — have disappeared , much to the chagrin of the locals who have tried to trace it .
23 A rather unspectacular brown Acrocephalus warbler , it was thought to be in imminent danger of following the dodo into extinction until the ICBP bought the island and instituted a programme of saving and increasing its mangrove breeding habitat .
24 The importance of these statutory provisions appears to me to be that Parliament has considered at various times and in various contexts the need for recovery of imposts paid but not due and has legislated in a manner which suggests that no such general principle as the Woolwich contends for was thought to be in existence .
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