Example sentences of "[be] think [prep] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The , one of the things that we carried forward to do with influencing , erm memories and attitudes , if you 're thinking about in the positive model , positive way , it 'd say going into an situation , I 've been here before , and I was successful .
2 The system has proved to be flexible thus enabling enhancements to be made — enhancements which quite often could not have been thought of at the initial design stage , since the concept of an integrated payroll and personnel function was very much new ground .
3 Buckminsterfullerene has often been thought of as the 3-D equivalent of benzene and so should be ‘ aromatic ’ , which means performing some of the chemical reactions for which benzene is noted .
4 I want to turn this right round because a couple of people have mentioned guilt and er I I suspect that one of the reasons that women are a bit worried about talking about depression or or campaigning for changes in policy , or more funding , or or whatever , is that for a long time women have been thought of as the weaker sex , more emotional , more nervous , by a , a a male establishment , I 'm talking about past centuries , is n't there a case for saying there 's actually we have a right to be depressed , I mean , obviously it 's normal , ninety three of you get depressed from time to time , the majority of you do n't think you clinically depressive if it is , if it 's normal to be depressed should n't the services to cope with depression , if we need outside help , be there and there 's no shame in it ?
5 Solutions in terms of this everyday discourse could have and may have been thought of by the client , who had come to the solicitor for a legal rather than an everyday solution .
6 It is a very common feature in the first questions drafted by students in schedule designing to ask questions which patently have not been thought about from the respondents ' point of view .
7 The 1980s might usefully be thought of as the ‘ decade of regulatory reform ’ .
8 A humourless man is one whose muscles of humour have fallen into disuse and have petrified ; he is also an uncreative man for humour may be thought of as the first rung of the creative ladder .
9 At the other extreme , light can be thought of as the final and complete revelation of spiritual reality .
10 Plato can reasonably be thought of as the most radically and implacably anti-democratic of all political philosophers .
11 They are essentially threatening or assaulting practices and , like silent or heavy-breathing telephone calls , may be thought of as the sexually-poor man 's rape !
12 Using λ for the multiplier , the Lagrangean function is : so that λ can be thought of as the weight ( >0 ) attaching to the firm 's profits as opposed to consumer utility .
13 Global aphasia could be thought of as the most extreme form of aphasia .
14 If the VGA or SuperVGA monitor of your PC can be thought of as a car , then the graphics card should be thought of as the engine .
15 The second , which may be thought of as the ‘ efficient markets ’ theory , is called the ‘ substitution hypothesis ’ .
16 Engineering standards and Codes of Practice can be thought of as the result of generic risk assessments .
17 Or should I commit myself over and over again , and continue to be thought of as the leader of one political group among others ? "
18 ‘ She 's a real feisty northern woman and that was nice for me because although I 've done a lot of different work , because of my television work , I tend to be thought of as the rather middle-class , bouncy , girl next door type .
19 The households can be thought of as the owners of factors of production , the services of which they sell to firms in exchange for income ( in the form of wages , salaries , interest , rent and profit ) .
20 Permanent income can be thought of as the present value of the expected flow of income from the existing stock of both ‘ human ’ and ‘ non-human ’ wealth over a long period of time .
21 Recall from Chapter 19 that this is a long-run measure of income which can be thought of as the present value of the expected flow of income from the stock of human and non-human wealth over a long period of time .
22 We have shown that polynomials can be thought of in the way we have always thought of them , secure in the knowledge that uncomfortable questions about x can be circumvented .
23 Lyric poetry is not subjective in the ordinary sense ; and in its freedom from subjectivity it should be thought of in the same terms as music .
24 one of the things I 'm thinking of in the longer term and I I bounced this of er was that if groups moved to Stansted could not be moved across to groups to sort this problem out because I think she 's getting bored in what she 's doing
25 Now er I 'm thinking in in the case of er perhaps a young accountant advising on financial management who finds something odd and perhaps he reports it direct to the authorities , will he be covered or will he have to go through some procedure in order to bring himself within the protection ?
26 The movies tackled society on the broadest front and refused to be confined to any one social zone but for all that one senses from the trade papers and social surveys that the industry had become preoccupied with its fashionable down-town audiences and that the super-cinemas were thought of as the social cutting edge of the trade .
27 I mean , we were thinking about like the Sunday markets and things .
28 He has variously claimed that from farts he can tell not only what people have eaten or drunk , but also the sort of person they are , what they ought to eat , whether they are emotionally unstable or upset , whether they are keeping secrets , laughing at you behind your back or trying to ingratiate themselves with you , and even what they are thinking about at the precise moment they issue the fart ( this largely from the sound ) .
29 The Art Of The Musical will be led by the artistic director , Roger Redfarn and will explore the contention that , although America is thought of as the home of the musical , the Brits have been busy in the Eighties conquering Broadway .
30 Charlton 's has n't got the time or inclination to wonder what Billy Bingham is thinking about in the run-up to Wednesday 's big game .
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