Example sentences of "[be] so [adj] that at " in BNC.

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1 Referees are so trusting that at one recent international a player who had forgotten his reserve boots showed the ref the physio 's pair — three sizes too small and with moulded studs !
2 The damage had been so severe that at one stage , the fail out order had been given .
3 The Dutch government is so concerned that at next week 's 103-nation conference in Lausanne of the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species ( Cites ) it will call for a total ban on trade in the plants .
4 In her early scenes , Ms Robertson 's vocalising is so strident that at times I felt like strapping her to a chair and stuffing a wad of cotton in her mouth .
5 This is so obvious that at first sight it might seem superfluous to state it .
6 When her kindergarten time was up , her parents engaged a modelling tutor to come in twice a week , and she was so good that at the age of 7 she was admitted to the Dover School of Art where she stayed until she was eighteen .
7 The response by ’ tallies ’ as they like to be known was so good that at least a hundred had to be turned away .
8 I was so bemused that at first I could do nothing but stare .
9 I was so surprised that at the time I uttered no word .
10 It was so enjoyable that at the headwall I took a line up the steepest part , just so I could play about hanging from the holds .
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