Example sentences of "[be] go [to-vb] is [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 And what we 're going to do is to say You had your water tablet this morning have n't you ?
2 They can also be used for tests for structural change , right , what we 're going to do is to say during peacetime right , we 'll estimate our model , we 'll then estimate our model during wartime and we 're going to assume that the coefficients or the income and price elasticity mark , do n't change during between peace and wartime , all that happens is as they intercept this model shifts , right , now you may thinks that 's not particularly er attractive , you might expect the price of income elasticities to change between two periods and we could actually use dummy variables to see whether that is the case , right , however , we 'll get very similar results , right , if you just use a slope dummy so it 'd intercept dummy , right , and all that 's going to do is to say , well the model runs like this in peacetime , right , and then wartime it suddenly shifts up or down depending on the effect of er of the war on textile consumption .
3 What we 're going to do is to log all our variables , right , so if you let L N T C equal open brackets T C close brackets , right , we going to define a new variable L N T C.
4 And one of the things they 're going to do is to centralize the switchboard that it 'll , you wo n't actually ring me up at all , you might ring the , the telephone number for Newark but it 'll be answered at headquarters and they 'll put you through .
5 And it 's easier to get along with brother so and so and sister so and so , but for goodness me I find , I find it ever so difficult to talk to sister so and so and there 's an area perhaps that we can er think about , stay awake by being respectful and obedient and that 's something that is very important because it 's completely opposite in the world today , respect for all authority and obedience to it is absolutely gone by the ways I find refrain from criticism and careless talk so there are the main points , but as we say we ca n't go into them all , well , so what we 're going to do is to try and just highlight one or two little areas which we could er enlarge on or put the magnifying glass on , so shall we do that ?
6 I 'm going to bring in some illuminated medieval books for you to have a look at , because what you 're going to do is to write this out in best on special paper using illuminated letters and if you 're very good we will try to get them laminated so that we can keep them as an example of what year seven students can produce as their best work , to say to everybody , hey look at this , this is very good , now we ca n't do that if I give you a sheet of A four paper and you manage to fill less than a quarter of that space , so you 're going to need a minimum of ten different things that you would like to say you think are important , you believe are important , you believe they 're valuable and your homework over the next week is to finish that list if you want it to rhyme , well yes you can work on it to make it rhyme , if you want to have what we call rhyming couplet , er just one moment I have n't said clear away .
7 Right what we 're going to do is to introduce the idea of expectations right , cos what this equation 's really saying right is that farmers expect price prevailing in T minus one alright to prevails in S T right so that 's what we 're , right , in their ex their expectation of prices in T , right are based on er current prices in sort of T minus one okay and that , that is what we would call erm expectations alright .
8 So what we 're going to do is to trail our coats in a variety of sessions , to suggest a variety of things to you , and see whether you agree with them or not so please feel free to come in as and when appropriate and see what you think .
9 In fact the only way to find out just how much space you 're going to get is to fill up the hard disk , but because disk compressors need some room to work , this is n't a particularly healthy idea .
10 What I 'm going to do is to examine now I 'm going to go up the collar bone first over the shoulder pad , T-shirt with a shoulder pad .
11 Erm there 'll be seven lectures on this subject and that 's a fair number of course but it 's not enough to cover the full range of things that I 'd want normally to talk to you about and so what I 'm going to do is to aim to introduce you to some of the central concepts of foreign policy , of ways of analysing it , of the models that are used , the ideas erm er surrounding foreign policy and also to illustrate these with examples .
12 Anyway since editing is the main problem , what we 're going to do this afternoon is , actually , I 'm going to show you another video and again it 's a very controversial one , again it 's used in , in teaching situations , again it has a biased point of view in the sense that it 's produced by National Power , er clearly as a P R job for introduction into schools erm and I want you to do the same exercise , but this time I want us to edit them among ourselves and what I 'm going to do is to get you to wri write your reviews and then we 'll divide into small groups , while you 're watching it I 'll co I 'll count how , however many people we 've got here , we 'll copy the reviews and in the same groups I want you to edit one another 's reviews and then er discuss them within the groups once you 've , once you 've marked them so we 'll get into the small , we 'll do the review we 'll write the review and then we will er , I distribute the , you can go and have a cup of coffee while we copy them , then we 'll distribute them , you can mark them , er individually on your own and then we 'll get into a group and you can criticize one another 's reviews , we 'll take them one at a time , we 'll probably be in groups of four , okay , but I 'll see , I 'll see how many , what the most suitable number is , okay so , if you , would you be kind enough to that
13 But another thing to be shown how to do it and that 's what , really what we want to try and do for the rest of the talk is to not just keep preaching at you and telling you what to do , but to show you how , so that 's the purpose of the talk from now on , now in this outline there are , I 've got about fourteen different points here and it 'll highlight ways in which we can er stay awake , what I 'm going to do is to read straight through them and then we 'll go back and pick a couple out , because it 's impossible to concentrate on the entire er amount , so we 'll do that , it 's er a number of things we can do to keep virtually awake keep up with the food at the proper time from Jehovah 's organizations that 's studying and things like that is n't it ?
14 Right , what we 're now going to do is incorporate that dummy variable as the regressor in our model as an explanatory variable , so what 's going to happen is that that dummy variable is turned off , alright in the first part of the sample right up until the war that dummy variable 's going to be off , right so it has a value of zero , right , then in nineteen forty through to nineteen forty five it 's switched on and what it 's going to do is to pick up any differential effects , right , in the intercept between wartime and peacetime right , we 'll talk a little bit more , more about that in a second , we 're going to add it in as a regressor , right , because it only comes on during the wartime it will pick up any shift in the intercept , right , that occurs due to the war if there is one , of course there may not be but it 's quite likely that there , there may well be , so if you type Q to come out of the data processing environment , go back to the action menu and test estimate forecast okay at the dialog box just add D one to your list of explanatory variables , alright then press the end key , right , yeah we 're gon na use the full sample right , we gon na use O L S , right you have now estimated the model with this dummy variable now just to see what 's happened to those coefficients the er incoming elasticity was at nought point six is now doubled right to one point one four more importantly , right , its T ratio has jumped from one point eight five right to six point eight , as a result , we now say that the incoming elasticity , the income coefficients , right , the significant zero , it 's important to explain the textiles as such the er , we are now getting a very different estimate for our
15 They can also be used for tests for structural change , right , what we 're going to do is to say during peacetime right , we 'll estimate our model , we 'll then estimate our model during wartime and we 're going to assume that the coefficients or the income and price elasticity mark , do n't change during between peace and wartime , all that happens is as they intercept this model shifts , right , now you may thinks that 's not particularly er attractive , you might expect the price of income elasticities to change between two periods and we could actually use dummy variables to see whether that is the case , right , however , we 'll get very similar results , right , if you just use a slope dummy so it 'd intercept dummy , right , and all that 's going to do is to say , well the model runs like this in peacetime , right , and then wartime it suddenly shifts up or down depending on the effect of er of the war on textile consumption .
16 What I was going to do is to go on and talk about , bring out electricity again as something which crops up .
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