Example sentences of "[be] this [noun sg] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 It had been this problem which had led to the complex arrangements for picking up Ruggiero on his release .
2 In practice , it has been this area which has been most significant in relation to land development and planning policies .
3 A lady has just said one of your earlier callers has just said that Council are out of touch well we should n't be out of touch and that is this exercise you have two councillors on here from different parties showing a concern for the trees .
4 I believe that each of us has what I term a spirit ( but which I am quite happy for others to call the soul , the higher self , the inner self — or any of dozens of different names ) and that it is this spirit which has a journey to make through several lifetimes .
5 Is this love you have suddenly discovered going to weather that kind of separation ?
6 In my opinion it is this flexibility which has given English primary education its unique quality .
7 It is this popularity which has prompted the management to look at the possibility of introducing these fit bodies to the joys of tennis , by offering complimentary tennis tuition , a worthy initiative and one which can only enhance the game in the club and its surrounding area .
8 Here then is this man who has this very unusual interview with Jesus Pilate the hard hearted and hard headed governor of Judea , the representative of Caesar the might of imperial Rome and he has upon his hands for trial a man whom he is convinced is innocent .
9 It is this School which has continued to influence , both directly and indirectly , the best dressage riders and instructors of the present time .
10 ‘ What is this information you 've got ? ’
11 It is this epoch which has traditionally marked for pupils a break from learning about royalty and politicians to noting the dates of inventions such as the spinning jenny and Arkwright 's mule .
12 It is this project which has been pursued with great tenacity by Nicos Poulantzas , who has applied Althusser 's general theory to a specific case .
13 It is this quality which has moved writers to describe her work as mythic : she speaks for us all through an interpretation of her personal experience that makes use of the universal image of the naked human body .
14 It is this perspective which has generated the image of the woopies ( well off older people ) , opals ( older people with affluent lifestyles ) and the jolies ( jet setting oldies with loads of loot ) .
15 It is this group which has greatest acquaintanceship with the facts and techniques of sex and sexuality and the least inhibition surrounding them .
16 It is this impasse which has led Robert Paul Wolff , for one , to conclude that the only kind of society in which freedom , or moral autonomy , of every individual is preserved is , in fact , one without government , an anarchist society .
17 At no time did the defendants tell the plaintiff of Mr. Perot 's proposed purchase of Vertigo and it is this fact which has given rise to the present litigation .
18 It is this thinking which has created Title VI of the Maastricht Treaty as the beginning of a process by which responsibility for justice and home affairs is transferred from the jurisdiction of the Member States to that of the European Union .
19 Even while he admired Nona and loved her , there were times he wanted to say : ‘ Look , Nona , there is this thing you have to take into account between us . ’
20 Or not , exactly what is this thing I 've got here and what can I use it for now ?
21 There 's this board you have to go up , you can say if you want one space , three spaces and you can go round the board and …
22 ‘ Serve the Captain — what 's this stuff you 've given me ?
23 yeah , that , that bloke his got his fucking , there 's this bloke he 's got his sun glasses on and he thinks his er sun bathing , so he got this fucking what 's it , his trousers on still and he 's trying to get his trunks on and his trousers on still cos this blokes there , he 's fucking going from all this and that
24 It 's not Carry it 's this thing we have to she tape conversations for speech therapy .
25 It 's this combination which has made Stoddard Templeton the proud holders of the Royal Warrant since 1966 .
26 This is the role of commercial group 's distribution services and it 's this department which has drawn up a new packaging policy and code of practice .
27 The Korean War and several other border wars , backed by the super-powers , had been judged not worth pressing the nuclear button for and it was this consideration which had produced the British H-Bomb in 1957 .
28 It was this ignorance which had led one of the officers of the LEA to criticize one of the earliest reports submitted as being mainly descriptive and not sufficiently ‘ evaluative ’ ( Clift , Chapter 2 in this volume ) .
29 It was this principle which had saved Virgin from collapse in the wake of the Customs and Excise fine ten years before ; it was the principle , Branson believed , that would now secure the company 's future .
30 The four soldiers , who are now all stationed in Germany but were then in Bordon , each said in evidence that it was this incident which had persuaded them to leave the pub .
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