Example sentences of "[be] that they be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Frequently recurring criticisms of the contracts are that they are of up to nine years ' duration , they contain hidden annual increases , that the costs of settling old agreements are added to the undisclosed capital value of new equipment , and that the total cost of a contract is not disclosed .
2 It may be that they are in fact onycophorans , a group of arthropods now represented by caterpillar-like velvet worms that burrow through dead wood in Australia .
3 The defences against those crimes would be that they were in the public interest .
4 As originally conceived in the White Paper , the main characteristics of the polytechnics were that they were to be large , comprehensive , have an applied philosophy , be primarily teaching institutions with a brief to develop courses in new areas , and their courses were to be validated by the CNAA .
5 But one of the things , obvious at first , that , one of the first things about any kind of journalism apart from apart from , in your specialist journals and so on , is that they 're about newspapers are about people , so obviously get the people in and there 's a , a very good very good you 've got the person , you 've got you 've got you 've got someone in up at the top and saying something .
6 Whereas adolescents ' problem is that they 're between homes , they do n't have that shell , so they 're free but also vulnerable .
7 The situation that , that a lot of people find themselves in nowadays , now er council housing is no longer available to an awful lot of people , is that they 're at the mercy of private landlords , and in order to have any kind of home they have to go along this sort of conditions and rent levels laid down by private landlords .
8 The reason for that is that they 're in a very good position in the market now , they , they can negotiate very good deals on houses they 're buying , there 's a very good choice of properties available , people by the mid nineteen nineties will look back on nineteen ninety as probably the time to have bought , when house prices were at their cheapest .
9 The link between these operas is that they are about men who had changed the world through the power of ideas .
10 When the arrears are payable , the presumption is that they are to be paid provided there are surplus assets available , whether or not these represent accumulated profits which might have been distributed by way of dividend , but that they are payable only to the date of the commencement of the winding up .
11 For most of his career Tolkien was a most extreme example of a man with this second urge strongly developed : he was fascinated by names , to give only one example , part of whose nature is that they are for one thing and one thing alone , very hard to reduce to system !
12 The history of pet names is a long one , there appearing to be evidence confirming their existence before the Conquest , but in those instances where pet names survive as surnames the appearance is that they are of post-Conquest foundation , and some are difficult to identify .
13 They look at everything from the point of view of the provider and their only discernible policy is that they are against privatization .
14 ‘ The main reason for a lot is that they are in trouble because of higher mortgage rates . ’
15 Part of the fantasy about adolescent heroes is that they are in perfect command of their situation and can control the events and people around them .
16 The only distinguishing feature of two different attributes is that they are in different positions , or something like that , which has no bearing on their possible values .
17 ‘ What angers me is that they were on a government controlled game reserve and planned it carefully .
18 Critical to an understanding of Jacques le Romain 's music and pedagogical writings is that they were in essence an extension of the artistic milieu of his father 's generation .
19 My guess is that they were from some cabaret or other .
20 The original justification for the special position of statutory undertakers was that they are under an obligation to provide services to the public and could not , like a private firm in planning difficulties , go elsewhere .
21 The Revenue said questions had been raised about whether these assets qualified for deferral if all other conditions were met and , while it could be argued they lie outside the scope of the provisions , ‘ the better view was that they are within them ’ .
22 The Bioscope very much approved of the description of the movies as ‘ the drama of the masses , and went on to argue that the whole beauty of the movies was that they were for the first time providing amusement , ‘ the greatest factor in the life of.the masses ’ , to ‘ the millions ‘ who had been ‘ passed over for so many years and considered of no account ’ .
23 From a narrow accounting point of view , the significant change was that they were to be geared to the introduction of patient ‘ case-mix planning and costing ’ .
24 Last word from the local council was that they were in favour of providing some form of skateboard facility .
25 Robert Kidder has argued that there was no clash of values , but that on the contrary the attraction of the courts was that they were in theory able to pass down clear-cut and decisive decisions .
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