Example sentences of "[be] that they [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Estimates of the effect of the few Concordes currently in operation are that they have a negligible impact on the ozone layer .
2 Their strengths are that they have a critical thinking ability .
3 Their strengths are that they have a critical thinking ability and they can be objective .
4 The strengths that these people show are that they have an ability to combine a sense of concern , with a sense of order and purpose .
5 The advantages of films , video-tapes and MEDIATRON programmes are that they allow the careful preparation of material which is recorded and so can be used many times .
6 Until quite recently the outstanding problem with many recordings of music before 1600 has been that they reveal the lack of tradition behind their vocal and instrumental practice and therefore suffer from an inevitable slide towards solipsism .
7 ‘ For the railway monopolies , it has always been that they wanted the data network modernised .
8 It may be that they left the gate open when they went , and Joe just trotted out . ’
9 My reading of these figures would be that they reflect a surging interest and are not quite as unpopular as you would indicate .
10 In this case it would possibly be that they had the name of the subscriber but …
11 It might be that they lead the opinions of a group of three people , ten people or thirty , but those opinion-makers are the key .
12 For others it might be that they want the relationship to end completely and do not want to be financially dependent on their former partners ( Bradshaw and Millar found that a fifth of those not receiving maintenance said that they did not want any ) .
13 Assuming that all the materials you have are equally suitable for your students , the main distinguishing feature of the video materials is likely to be that they provide the most realistic examples of the language in use .
14 Whilst it is conceivable that some of these jobs will be craft based and thus provide an outlet for some initiative and self activism , the significant reality will be that they have no economic power and no industrial muscle .
15 When archaic figures of this type first became known they were called ‘ Apollo ’ , and it may be that they have an early association with his worship , but certainly not all can represent him and the non-committal ‘ kouros ’ is preferable .
16 The importance of these stored finds is that they form a research collection available for study by archaeologists and others , and some are used for travelling and temporary exhibitions , and in teaching collections on loan to schools .
17 Their specific significance is that they form a crucial element in what has been called the ‘ self-production ’ of modern societies .
18 The disadvantage is that they require a transformer to step down the voltage , which either means fairly expensive fittings ( incorporating the transformer so they can replace existing fittings ) , or expensive wiring from a central transformer to the light fittings — low voltage means high current , so the wires have to be much bigger than normal lighting wiring .
19 A weakness of many low-cost colour inkjets is that they use the colour cartridge to produce black by applying 100 per cent cyan , magenta and yellow .
20 Where they do differ is that they know a great deal less about the properties of social and psychological phenomena than do the natural sciences about the properties of the natural world .
21 A feature of all these quotes is that they conflate the social and the personal ; Vicky , for example , argues that the arts are ‘ a waste of taxpayers ’ money' and then says ‘ I could n't motivate myself to do it ’ .
22 So , a possible explanation of the unions ' behaviour is that they judged a Labour victory uncertain , if not unlikely ; that they preferred to make hay while the setting Labour sun still shone ; and that they felt secure against whatever weather a Conservative dawn might bring .
23 Their important quality is that they present a rate of change that is clearly and definitely structured .
24 One of the most frequent criticisms of the Cadbury committee 's draft recommendations is that they lack an adequate enforcement mechanism .
25 Perhaps some component of Pascal 's restless questioning was due to his displacement through recurrent ill-health , but what makes his questionings still worth reading , is that they confront the foundations of our existence and that despite the fact that he is sometimes seen merely as a Catholic apologist .
26 ‘ Sure they miss the money , but one of the most important things is that they miss the buzz .
27 What is meant by calling these ‘ complex ’ is that they serve a clear and distinct function which could already have been envisaged by the testator in making his will .
28 A major problem with the Mannheimian proposals for the sociology of knowledge is that they utilize a conception of social being that does not easily fit with an account of individual human beings .
29 The merit of separate qualified defences is that they focus the evidence and the legal argument , giving the jury ( in contested cases ) an opportunity to assess the defence , and giving the judge fairly precise guidance on the basis for sentencing : this might be thought to ensure that each defendant is dealt with more fairly , but the risk of confusing the jury in a contested case might tend to erode that protection .
30 Our plea to the Government is that they take a leaf out of their own book on the independent living fund , which was set up in haste and has played a role that it was never meant to play .
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