Example sentences of "[be] that [pers pn] think that " in BNC.

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1 You actually have three children under the age of seven , and if your husband died while they were still young , still in education , heaven forbid , but these things still do happen , it might be that you think that you would need more cover at that point in time , than later on , maybe when the children have left home .
2 If I 'm depressed at all it is that I think that you could make this process slightly less obtrusive and violent and spark-generating if there was more systematic analysis and discussion beforehand , going back a long way .
3 The point that I was seeking to make a moment ago — I reiterate it now — is that I think that it is to the advantage of everyone in Northern Ireland for the politicians of Northern Ireland , of all shades of opinion , to come together , to talk and to express their mutual wish for peace in Northern Ireland .
4 If we 're gon na do a deal then we , we , we have some to drive it through but what I 'm saying is that I think that if you have this meeting I , which is what February the second ?
5 It its a big task , em er the thing is that I think that that the first point of call is one is that we get the questionnaire out and see whether you know the one where can we can the questionnaires to all the neighbourhood watch is it , w w we prepare the questionnaire and we get on and send it out , right .
6 I have two points to make by suggestion : - one is that I think that the final of these related documents should be discretionary I do n't see why you should have to keep the file .
7 I mean part of it is what I think and part of it is that I think that I like it because it works , that these things — I basically am unconvinced much of the modern tradition .
8 His motive for doing so is that he thinks that English verse has been ill-served by prosodists in the past .
9 One of the reasons why I was in favour of televising the House and Committees was that I thought that it might be a good idea for the public to see Standing Committees , with Ministers doing their mail and others trying to hold up the business .
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