Example sentences of "[be] that we [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The most important issue regarding freedom is that we fear that , far from more people being given control over their lives , when the new system comes into play , fewer people will have control .
2 The reason we want to adopt other people 's beliefs is that we know that everyone wants their own beliefs to be true : because , as we 've seen , truth is what makes our own beliefs useful to us in the way I described earlier , by making our actions succeed in fulfilling our desires .
3 The point about the Urgonian limestones , say , is that we know that they are of about the same age throughout Europe in spite of the fact that fossil evidence shows them to have started and ended at different times in different places .
4 no , because the point is that Labour has not changed it 's course , which is recognizing that at the heart of it 's policies we have to show that we know the world has changed , and we 've got a message to women , which is that we know that you are essential in your role in the family , but we know you 're also essential in the economy ,
5 The next issue is that we know that these prospective inward investors are likely to be looking for a site in reasonably attractive setting .
6 All that matters is that we know and they do n't know that we do . ’
7 The trap is that we assume that a broad market means a less specialised product at a low price .
8 We seldom read in the tabloid press local police force fails er we may frequently read in the local press in the tabloid press rather , that the Home Secretary has failed and yet what we seem to be saying is that we believe that all the responsibility should be local , all that responsibility , all the blame when things go wrong should go to the Home Secretary .
9 Er I think our position is that we provide as you know , air defence through a layered system er of air defence aircraft and missiles and the simple truth is that in the light of the changes in the strategic er setting , particularly er as it affects U K air defence , we have decided that the provision of a medium defensive layer , that is the M sound system to which you refer , is not a high priority at the moment and the programme is therefore being postponed and I have to emphasise it 's not been abandoned .
10 What matters is that we realise that they are being friendly , so we shout back , ‘ It 's a lovely day today , is n't it ? ’ , or some such thing which they probably will not hear anyway , but the idea of friendliness has been transferred , and both people are happy , although the words were quite unintelligible .
11 A third problem with the idea that everything is determined is that we feel that we have free will — that we have the freedom to choose whether to do something .
12 The crucial difference between a social democratic view of the state and the one taken here , is that we recognise that the bureaucracy itself is political in the course of exercising its executive powers , particularly in the realm of policy-making at the upper levels and in implementation at the lower levels .
13 The important thing in dealing with our self-image is that we recognise that we are different creatures with different skills and abilities , and that we have a very realistic idea of what our skills and inabilities actually are .
14 I have had my own opinion confirmed with the advice from the business convenor and the vice convenor , and that is that we determine that this is in fact a counter motion that you have spoken to because it is against the spirit of the deliverance .
15 We also showed that grade two do significantly better than grade three , but most importantly perhaps is that we showed that patients with a vascular count that are less than twenty one do significantly better than patients with a vascular count of greater or equal to twenty one .
16 And our feeling , if if my memory serves me right , was that we felt that our site safety courses were adequate and gave
17 The challenge with which we were faced on the day of the ‘ Fresh Start ’ Motion was that we knew that a very full House , which had come to hear the prime minister 's Maastricht statement , would deplete rapidly after he was finished , as the business to follow — a debate on the Earth Summit — was not very controversial .
18 Because you know money-wise because we were not content to sit back and see er schemes being introduced that , which were going to act as a deterrent to er our members er being able to earn wages er on incentives and so therefore erm what happened was that we agreed that the consultants er head personnel manager would come down and talk to each group of people who were being put on to the incentive scheme , one , in order that he go over everything with them in regard to its application , and two , then answer any practical questions er where our members may find that there could be difficulties .
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