Example sentences of "[be] not really [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Like Lucy , he has problems fitting into his society , but although religion seems to play an important part in the book , his criticisms are not really of religion .
2 He notes that ‘ men are hardly to be brought to think that sweetness and whiteness are not really in manna ’ , but this does not lead him to question his declared view that sweetness and whiteness are on a par with the ‘ ideas of sickness and pain' , ideas which ‘ are not in the manna , but effects of its operations on us , and are nowhere when we feel them not ’ .
3 THERE IS a paranoiac frisson , and more than a little insight , to be had from the thought that we humans are not really in control of our own fates , and that someone or something is using us .
4 How do we know that the laws of nature are not really like laws of a game of chess , but played on a chess board where the laws change as you go from place to place on the chess board , which is a very more complicated situation than an ordinary chess game where the laws are the same no matter where the pieces are .
5 ‘ I mean we 're not really like EMF in real life , claims Derry .
6 Be practical and efficient and everything that I 'm not really by nature .
7 I 'm not really in favour of splitting the Tate .
8 One consequence of this was that many stories were not really about events but merely reports or rewrites of speeches made by leading politicians at events .
9 The arbitrator may decide that The Post Office is not legally liable but that there are special circumstances in your favour that mean you were not really at fault .
10 They were not really in control , apart from about a 5 minute spell where their passes did all seem be to controlled .
11 We were n't really in love , but it seemed a very great deal like it at the time , before we spoiled it ; we both thought we were , and how can you tell for sure when it 's the first time and you 've nothing to compare it with ?
12 This article is not really about technique , but there are one or two golden rules that any good instructor will impart .
13 Its outcome is not really in doubt , not because it is a put-up job but because the CEGB would not go into such an exercise if it had only a 50–50 chance of success .
14 But Tiberi is not really in Thorton 's 12st class .
15 ‘ The position of the children is not really in dispute .
16 That 's not really for publication .
17 As for the communal bath : it 's not really for washing .
18 Yeah well he says , he says I rea I would n't have thought that but he said that 's not really his style , that 's not really like Sal to do that .
19 ‘ It 's not really like family , you see .
20 Parker , of course has to argue for the mainframe 's continued existence , but he does so persuasively with a blizzard of points seeking to prove that a ) the mainframe market is n't really in decline and b ) the mainframe will be able to evolve successfully into an indispensable network superserver .
21 For example , the battle over Duich Moss on Islay was not really about conservation versus jobs — as subsequent events have proved — but about saving embarrassment in high places .
22 She was not really against marriage , not even against mine .
23 Branson came to realise that ‘ fair compromise was not really in Malcolm 's language ’ .
24 She was n't really at risk ’ .
25 Too Long a Winter , the film documentary which projected Hannah Hauxwell into her stellar position in the affections of the British public ( and far beyond ) was n't really about Hannah at all .
26 There was sense in which , it was n't really in Pilate 's hands , because Jesus had said to him , if I wanted I would speak to my father , he would send ten legions of angels and they would deliver me out of your hands , Pilate , you have no power over me .
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